Home Q&A Wednesday Q&A Wednesday: Doing It At The Desk

Q&A Wednesday: Doing It At The Desk

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Ahem… we’re talking about exercise, here:

Q: Hey girl, I love your blog and I subscribed to get them by email b/c I have an office job for 9 hours a day.  I was wondering if you could do a post with exercises that can be performed at the desk in the office during breaks or anytime. I am thinking you could use a water bottle, a towel, and your chair.

I love this question. Really, I do.

As a single parent, I was pretty limited in my resources as far as quality workout time. Sure, there’s a gym in my apartment complex that I could take my little one to, but there’s always that time frame in the year where everyone is in the gym. Having people trip over or run into her stroller… wasn’t working for me. My answer to this was simple: formulate a workout plan that I can execute at home, and if it didn’t require me to purchase any products, that’s even better. I’d imagine the limitations are similar at the office, with the added issue of limiting the amount of sweating going on. I was extremely successful using this kind of workout, so hopefully my little bit of insight can help.

I’ve written a little about this before, three of the ways that I really took advantage of what I had at home to get fit. However, in the spirit of this week’s “Ten More Minutes” challenge, how’s about I give you ten new exercises to get into right at your desk or in your office. Pack a lunch, close your office door, use ten minutes to get in these exercises and the other 20 (or 50, whatever you’ve got) to enjoy your lunch!

Pick a couple to do each day and if you couple them with proper stretches afterwards, that’s a great way to make use of your ten minutes!

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Bri July 7, 2010 - 11:53 AM

I am so glad you answered my question! I see some of these that I can modify and do while sitting in my chair and others that I can easily fit in my 1 hour lunch and 15 minute breaks in the day. Also, I am going to do the whole sequence before I go to sleep (advocating the 10 minute fitness). Yay! <3 <3 <3 <3

Erika July 7, 2010 - 12:05 PM

Was hoping you didn’t think I’d ignored you!

Glad I could help. 🙂

Bri July 7, 2010 - 12:07 PM

Oh never that! And yes, thank you again! 🙂

Rita July 7, 2010 - 4:28 PM

Just when I start my whole “I’m tired from a long day in the office and don’t feel up to a workout” excuse routine, Erika does an entry on easy home/work exercises!

Good looking out! Lol.

Erika July 7, 2010 - 5:00 PM

We’re killin’ excuses over here! 🙂

Brook July 3, 2011 - 1:29 PM

Those are some good choices. I see some new ones that I will try. Two others that I like to do at work are tricep dips with a chair and planks. I also have a resistance band that I keep it work.

Sherry a.k.a Sexy Heffer March 20, 2013 - 1:25 PM

I was just wondering about this! I too work at a desk and need something I can do while at work!! Thanks so much for posting these resources! I tried to pin it but for some reason your pin it button is not working properly.

Renee H. November 20, 2013 - 10:25 AM

Push ups from your desk are great once that water bottle gets too light.

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