Vertical Jumping Jacks
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The proud leader of the #bgg2wlarmy, Erika Nicole Kendall writes food and fitness, body image and beauty, and more here at #bgg2wl. After losing over 150lbs, Kendall became a personal trainer certified in fitness nutrition, women's fitness, and weight loss by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also certified in sports nutrition by Precision Nutrition. She now lives in New York with her husband and children, and is working on her 6th and 7th certifications because she likes having alphabet soup at the end of her name.
ooh thats good, I’m gonna try it tomorrow!
OMG I’m doing this TONIGHT!
I will be trying that on my workout days! I really need it.
I’ve only had time to check out a little of your site, but
it’s great so far. I love the sample workout videos. Keep up the
good work and let’s keep helping each other.
The link is no longer working… 🙁
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