5 tips to help you control your portions, feel satisfied, and still shed the unwanted pounds.
Friday 5
Yes to sweets, no to soul-crushing workouts, and definitely calorie counting,but not for the reasons you think!
Tips for avoiding excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and how to enjoy your pregnancy without the added stress.
The five questions women ask me the most regarding strength training and weight lifting, and some insight to help make you a strength training dynamo.
5 Reasons to Quit Processed Food That Have Nothing To Do With “Chemicals”
So — can a legitimate case be made against processed food without the “chemical” component? You betcha.
Five reasons why you need to keep your fitness goals to yourself.
No, you’re not going to go into the gym, lift a few fifteens, go home, and then wake up looking like Macho Man Randy Savage. And here are five reasons …
Five – maybe six – things that I’ve learned from committing to a daily yoga practice.
5 Reasons Your Body Fat Percentage is More Important Than Your Weight
Why you need to be all about your body fat percentage. Like, right now. Toss the scale out the window, then come read this.
The story of my dogs, and how adding your own might help you stay both mentally and physically fit.
Five things I’ve learned about dieting, why it sucks, and why you should hang up your dieting habit.
Friday 5: Five Reasons Why Losing The Final 15lbs Can Be Just As Hard As Losing The First 150
For ANYONE who’s trying to lose weight…whenever you experience that plateau, it’s time to regroup.
Friday 5: 5 Things We Can Learn From The Woman Who Died Drinking Sodapop
When someone dies from drinking, on average, 2.2 gallons of coke a day… there are a few lessons to be learned, here.
Five reasons to make that workout happen in the AM!
Hey, Erika – what have been the most helpful and meaningful things you’ve done to keep you focused on your weight loss journey?
Five little things that are often overlooked in preparing for your first race.
Consider this my collective screaming, shouting, and fussing because y’all just know you are wrong.
Y’all had questions, and I had answers. Lots of them. Whoooo, lots of them.