It’s too easy to blame Black people’s rates of heart disease and diabetes for the high rate of COVID-19 related mortality. It’s so, so much deeper than that.
The “Study” Guide
I believe I said, years ago, one more link for good measure, that the onslaught of reality tv show weight loss porn aggravated me to no end. I stated, very …
Do you think weight and size should be included in the list of protected classes and, if so, in what instances would it help?
True or False: Foods such as Clif Bars and Wheaties, whose packaging suggests that they promote fitness, can actually make you healthy.
Yes! I’m telling you that, if your goal is to lose weight and live healthier, you need to go to sleep! I am sending you to bed. Go. Now. And …
But is a serving of boiled potatoes really much worse than a helping of nuts? Is some white bread as bad as a candy bar?
Study tests fitness tracking wristbands, smartphone apps, and waist-clipping pedometers. Guess which one was most accurate?
Why is it that the poorest Americans would spent their hard-earned dollars on something like diet pills, that promise results without actual work?
Study Finds That Obesity Affects Job Prospects & Promotions For Women
“We found that strong obesity discrimination was displayed across all job selection criteria, such as starting salary, leadership potential, and likelihood of selecting an obese candidate for the job.”
A 9-question quiz to help you discern whether or not you suffer from a food addiction.
On recent analysis regarding sodium in the diet, and my first thoughts reading the research.
That smoothie might be causing your more harm than good.
“we could see a clear relation between their weight and offers of admission for those applicants who had had an in-person interview…”
Now researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine report that weight loss, either through diet or a combination of diet and exercise, can lead to better sleep.