The Reverse Crunch

by Erika Nicole Kendall

work-out-nowNever mind the adorable girl showing off the exercise, but pay close attention to the instructions, here. I find that it took me a while to focus doing this exercise. You have to be careful that you’re not just swinging your legs back and forth, that you’re really working muscle groups with this one!

I started this one doing 10 of them back to back in three different sets. Give it a shot! Great for the booty, too!

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DeVaria May 25, 2011 - 11:34 PM

I’ve always found that I can develop my upper abs faster than lower (weird) but after I heard him say that about the style of crunches I see why. I tried this and it is SERIOUS!! Took me a few tries not to swing but I have it now and these lower abs will be coming along soon!! Thanks for sharing.

Paula September 12, 2011 - 8:56 PM

Ah so tired of this weight! I heard about this site on the Chris and Chris morning show and I am just looking for a way to get off the couch and lose 80 lbs. I know there is no magic pill but how do I start?

Peg February 26, 2012 - 5:45 AM

OMG!!! Thisis harder than it looks! Felt it on 1st one… Bye bye belly pooch!!!

Me March 4, 2012 - 3:51 PM

For the best results with your abs, you should actually consider doing full sit-ups instead of crunches. Full sit-ups (using your abs to pull your entire torso off the ground until your chest meets your knees) work the entire length of your midsection as opposed to crunches, which isolate upper and lower halves.

Also, to work on your obliques (love handles), as you come up for the full sit-up, rotate your midsection so that your right shoulder meets your left knee, and go back down. Repeat the move, bringing your left shoulder to your right knee to complete the rep.

Both the full sit-up and the oblique sit-up for are a little more challenging than crunches, but they’re the most effective at getting rid of any unwanted bulges in the quickest amount of time.

For a visual example, check out Livestrong’s full sit-up example:,
or chrmingo’s full & oblique sit-up examples:

I hope this helps. Happy exercising!

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