Home Weekend WTF? Weekend WTF: Regular Air Isn’t Good Enough For Bacon Lovers

Weekend WTF: Regular Air Isn’t Good Enough For Bacon Lovers

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Bacon lovers… you’re killing me, here.

Bacon is, without question, the candy of the meats. Not only is it delicious but that tasty pig flesh is pliable enough to slip into almost anything, from donuts toedible candles. There was even a beer that tasted like it! But what about when you just want the taste of bacon without all of the calories or the hard work of actually eating? Enter BaconAir. Did we mention it was kosher?The $8.99 “bacon-flavored oxygen inhaler” comes from Seattle-based J&D’s, which has made something of a name for itself over the past three years with their bacon-flavored, vegetarian-friendly, kosher products like BaconSaltBaconnaiseBacon Pop (as in pop corn), bacon-flavored envelopes, bacon lip balm and, wait for it, Bacon Baby (as in bacon-flavored instant baby formula). We aren’t making any of this up. But this latest product, which they claim to have been working on for two years, clearly ups the ante—they go so far as to call it “bacon 3.0.” Because what else would you call a bottle of “no calorie, fat or stimulant” oxygen that tastes like pig?

So why would you choose to use a kosher, vegetarian bacon-flavored inhaler? We have no idea. We’re more the eating types. But if you want a lifetime supply of the stuff, the folks at J&D’s will be giving it away to one sucker “Baconnoisseur” who e-mails them with their best suggestion for who should be the first person to use the product. Alice Waters? [source]

Flavored air. Think about that for a minute. Flavored. Air.

Flavored… air… that you buy.

How do you flavor–

I’m just gonna throw my hands up, go sit in a corner, clutch a pillow tightly and rock back and forth for a few hours while reciting to myself “It’s gonna be okay, Erika… it’s gonna be okay.”

Got a Weekend WTF?! to share with the class? Send it on over to wtf@blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com!

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Tracy April 2, 2011 - 3:48 PM

I TRULY have seen it all…

Sonya April 2, 2011 - 9:37 PM

Flatline______________________D.O.N.E.! This truly is a Weekend Monday thru Friday WTF?????

CoCo April 3, 2011 - 12:46 AM

This reminds me of the air bar they had in the mall a few years back. It blows my mind that people will pay their hard earned money on something this ridiculous.

T.R. April 3, 2011 - 7:25 PM

Okay now this is just ridiculous. I ain’t gone lie, I like bacon, but that only (Sorry Erika, it is what it is…LOL) but all this bacon extra is just nasty. I mean come on …DANG!!!

Curlstar April 4, 2011 - 4:30 PM

Bacon formula for babies? (yeah, I noticed that) Not only is the bacon air some real foolishness – HOW AND WHY IN BLAZES could/would you give an INFANT bacon-flavored formula?????? I’ll be in the corner with Erika… (sigh)

Danielle April 5, 2011 - 9:03 AM

are you KIDDING me ?!

Johnnie April 6, 2011 - 5:44 PM

I don’t know what to say…shm.

standup8 April 6, 2011 - 9:04 PM

I can kinda see the appeal behind this. If you’re craving bacon really badly you can take a whiff on your bacon-inhaler instead of eating the real thing and getting all the fat and calories that comes with it….. Although, to be honest that sort of treat substitution never works with me. I’d probably still go out and buy a bacon cheeseburger afterward!

Sadiqua April 7, 2011 - 10:57 AM

I’ve been looking for that one product that would make me rich so we can all retire…y didn’t I think of this?? I guess flavored air is the way to go? Might do a line of donuts and desserts and see if they sell lol, truly a WTF moment smh…

Fitempress August 16, 2011 - 10:55 PM

This is my first actual laugh for the day and its 6 mins to 11 lmao wow bacon flavored air. There can be nothing more!

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