Home Weekend WTF? Weekend WTF: Point Scored For #teamANTIbacon

Weekend WTF: Point Scored For #teamANTIbacon

by Erika Nicole Kendall

I am anti-bacon.

I said it. I’m firing shots at you bacon eaters!

Y’all are just destroying the concept! Putting bacon in and on EVERYTHING… y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves! Chocolate covered BACON? BACON ice cream? If I could toss all y’all in a pit and leave you there for the way y’all have destroyed ice cream and chocolate… I would!

And to PROVE just how crazy y’all are? I’m sharing something that was sent in to me earlier this week, which prompted me to go ahead and start my “Weekend WTF?” series… which is where we poke fun at the terribly strange and awkward things we find at the grocery store!

Check this out:

I wish she’d photographed the details on the back… because I’d love to know just where bacon falls in the ingredients list. Just sayin’.

Many thanks to Brandi for sending this in (she was really trying to torture me, though) and prompting me to just go ahead and start the “Weekend WTF?” series here on BGG2WL. If you’ve got a “Weekend WTF?” to share with the class… send it to wtf@blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com!

PS: I’m only joking about you bacon eaters and being ashamed of yourselves… sorta. #teamANTIbacon (It’s only in jest… I promise. 🙂 )

Update: As Aria posted in the comments, the product does have its own page on the company’s website, and just as I suspected… no bacon! Love it! Ha!

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ANIQUA October 10, 2010 - 10:39 AM


Aria October 10, 2010 - 11:02 AM

This product has its own website (http://www.jdfoods.net/products/baconnaise.php). The nutritional value is listed. There are other products by this company: bacon salt, bacon pop (popcorn), bacon ranch, etc.

Erika October 10, 2010 - 11:10 AM

Marvelous! And, like I suspected… no bacon. LMAO!

Anita October 10, 2010 - 11:07 AM

I’m tripping on the “LITE.” Must be for the conscious eater~ Yes, your arteries will clog, but only “lite”ly. Riiiiight. Bless their hearts.

Jaeda Laurez October 10, 2010 - 2:30 PM

Shouldn’t this be right up your alley, as a member of #antibacon? I mean it has no bacon, so that’s your lane!!! LMAO

Erika October 10, 2010 - 2:32 PM

LMAO! Oh, you got jokes? LMAO!

Jaeda Laurez October 10, 2010 - 2:36 PM

mmmmmmm….taste that bacon “flavoring”!!!!

I hate mayo anyway, so you’d never see it on my sandwich..*shudders*

Rita October 10, 2010 - 7:36 PM

Is it me or bacon taking over the world??
Within the past week, I’ve had a variety of people speak to me about bacon, send me facebook messages about bacon and even a few facebook statuses & tweets about bacon. Its getting out of hand people…step back from the bacon and take a pause for the cause.

Oh and yes “baconnaise lite”…whoever heard of such a thing! Definitely a WTF moment for sure. Oh and I love how the front label says “fewer calories then mayonnaise”…what are we stupid or something?

Curlstar October 10, 2010 - 8:15 PM

I saw that pic and said WTF out loud – all of the words! OMG this is indeed one in the world of the odd. I’ll have to see if I can get my friend to send me one for your WTF files. Just reading that label I was grossed out.

chellbellz October 11, 2010 - 6:36 AM

That’s just nasty, after I saw how mayo was made I cut back extremely…its okay in ny tuna salad, but that’s it. Then bacon flavored?

eye-shuh October 11, 2010 - 12:39 PM

Baconaise isn’t meant to have any animal in it. All of their bacon flavored products are vegetarian on purpose.

This company is pretty cool, I suggest people take the time to read up on them before full judging. I first heard of them because they send bacon salt to troops overseas: http://baconsalt.com/operationbaconsalt/about.html

Yes, the are profiting off of a ridiculous fad, but at least they aren’t trying to stuff people full of actual bacon fat.

(Also, Baconaise is delicious!)

Erika October 11, 2010 - 12:51 PM

I’ve written about those vegetarian “products,” too. https://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/healthy-eating/what-vegetarianism-will-not-do-for-you/

Being “vegetarian” is no excuse for being a ridiculously processed product. It’s not a “free pass.”

And, LOL, I’m sure it’s delicious – with chemical flavor creation, they’d better be, LOL.

Nicole October 11, 2010 - 11:06 PM

LOL! This is really disgusting.

JoAnna October 12, 2010 - 12:26 PM

Hmmmm. I gotta girlfriend that takes thick sliced bacon, coats it with brown sugar and bakes the strips until crispy. And enjoys it. Like drooling just at the thought. Maybe I should gift her a jar or two of “Baconaise” for Christmas? Isn’t it the thought that counts? By the way, she’s a DISGUSTING, fit size 8!!! If I didn’t love her dearly, I’d hate her! Maybe a case of Baconaise full fat…

Erika October 12, 2010 - 12:30 PM

I question what her insides look like. Seriously. *cringe*

Tamara March 12, 2011 - 4:40 PM

YUCK? If it isn’t bacon, what the heck is it? See, this is why I strive to eat REAL food. 🙁

MissJoy March 13, 2012 - 1:34 PM

Excuse me while I go hurrrllllll…..

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