Five – maybe six – things that I’ve learned from committing to a daily yoga practice.
Video Vault: The “Whole Foods Parking Lot” Guys Fall For The “Yoga Girl”
“You wanna go with me?” “Na….amaste.”
Remember that lawsuit alleging that a school was teaching religion under the guise of yoga?
Yoga: Gate Opening
Yoga: Lotus Link
I make no bones about the fact that I love our First Lady. Did I adore Laura Bush? Yes, but something about Michelle Obama just rocks to me. Maybe it’s …
Quick Quotes: What Football Team Mandated Yoga and Meditation for its Team Members?
Here’s a hint – they just won the Super Bowl.
Yoga: Half Moon
Yoga: Sun-Moon
Yoga: Head To Knee
Yoga: Earth
Yoga: Water Light
Yoga: Riding The Wind
Check out the “Riding The Wind” sequence, and see if you can give it a shot!
Q: I want to start a regular fitness routine and I thought yoga would be something wonderful to start…
Yoga: Firebird
Yoga: Crane
I’m not even gonna lie – this is a sequence that I cannot get down pat. I’m six feet tall, one hundred jhglfdgjhsjhsgl pounds, and quite frankly… balancing all of …
I have to tell you… I love Yoga. I could have a total hippie moment and tell you that Yoga relieves my stress, allows me to extend my flexibility, and …