Home Recipes Honey Orange Tofu Stir Fry

Honey Orange Tofu Stir Fry

by Erika Nicole Kendall

2 tbsp. honey (or molasses)
2 tbsp. orange juice (I like to use fresh-squeezed juice; you can use prepared OJ)
1 tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/2 tsp. sesame seeds
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes (just a good shake or two!)

1 block extra-firm tofu (12-ounce package)
2 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. orange juice (fresh-squeezed or store-bought)
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. cornstarch or 2 tsp. all-purpose flour
2 tbsp. cooking oil
2 cups frozen stir-fry vegetables
If frozen stir-fry veggies are not available, you can use carrots, bell peppers, snap peas, water chestnuts, broccoli, and celery. If desired, you could also add baby corn and pineapple chunks. If you use fresh veggies, they will just need a little extra cooking time during the first step.

1. Prepare marinade by combining all marinade ingredients in a bowl or gallon-sized plastic zipper bag. Squeeze excess liquid from the tofu using paper towels and cut tofu into small squares (about 1/2-inch by 1/2-inch). Gently toss tofu into marinade ingredients. Cover (or seal zipper bag) and marinade for 30 minutes; toss occasionally during the marinating process. After marinating, drain the tofu and discard the marinade.

2. Prepare sauce by combining 2 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. orange juice, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, and 1 tsp. cornstarch in a small bowl.

3. Pour cooking oil into a wok or large skillet. Preheat over medium-high heat (I have an electric wok that I preheat to 250 degrees. It works perfectly for this dish). Stir-fry the vegetables only for 3 minutes or until they are crisp-tender. Remove the veggies from the wok and add the tofu. Stir-fry the tofu for 3 minutes until lightly browned. Push the tofu from the center of the wok (do not remove it). Add the sauce to the center of the wok and cook until it is thickened and bubbly.

4. Return the cooked vegetables to the wok and stir all ingredients together until they are coated with the sauce. Cook and stir for about 1 minute until everything is heated through.

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Sarah October 18, 2010 - 12:27 PM

First, thanks for the recipes. The strawberry vinaigrette will be on my list for summertime.

I have a clean-eating question for you. I know that you are always on the continuous quest to limit the amount of processing that goes into food, and I’m working on this myself.

My question for you is: where does tofu fall for you? Clean? Not clean? Clean-ish? I ask because I’m transitioning over to a vegetarian diet. I’m not a fan of most tofu, but *love* edamame (the almost-ripe soybean).

So, in my mind, I think, “Well, why not just go back to the original source of the soy protein by eating the bean instead of eating the tofu (which has gone through several layers of processing)?” But, then again, I also eat yogurt, and that’s been tweaked and processed as well. As you can tell, my mind is going around in circles!

I’d love to know what your thinking is on this — sorry if you’ve covered this in earlier posts. Thanks so much!

Erika October 18, 2010 - 12:33 PM

I’ll put it to you like this: I don’t eat tofu. 🙂

Sarah October 18, 2010 - 12:44 PM

@Erika: I had a feeling! Thanks for your reply.

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