Home Challenge!#ScaleFreeSummer Clean Eating Boot Camp: Step 12

Clean Eating Boot Camp: Step 12

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Join the BGG2WL Clean Eating Boot Camp!

How are those books going? Moving through them slowly? Don’t worry. I’ll be helping this week.

Also, let’s look at ways to clean up your favorite condiments – scratch-making, swaps and even complete overhauls. Sounds fun, no?

homemade-chicken-nuggets 061

Would you like some homemade chicken nuggets to dip in your new Jamaican jerk ketchup?

Time to tighten up.

Get caught up:

Since you should already be planning your meals and keeping a diary of what you eat, this week’s going to be easy. All I want you to do… is keep a running tally of every “sweet” thing that you put into your mouth. I didn’t say “eat no sugar” – although, I would love to –  just be sure to take note of it when you do eat it. Cookies – clean or otherwise; sugar in your coffee – or, goodness help you, splenda; if you eat a processed food and any form of sugar appears in the label? Put an asterisk next to it on your food diary.

Oh, and remember when we visited LocalHarvest.org to find our nearest farmer’s markets? Take note of when yours begins and, if yours has already begun or is available year-round, go pay a visit. As soon as I start seeing spring fruits and veggies available, we’ll go back to veggie intros, but feel free to start incorporating what you find at your local markets into your meal plans.

Oh, and remember – cut the restaurant visits short, and no fast food. I’m serious. Don’t make me come through this screen.

That’s it. Keep it simple.

Who’s struggling? Who’s surviving? Let me hear it! And don’t forget to share what you’re eating on the #CEBootCamp hashtag! (And keep your eyes peeled for #ScaleFreeSummer!)

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Ashleigh April 1, 2013 - 3:18 PM

I’m sayin Erika…you may have to come through the screen and get me because I have fallen for the fast food again. Interesting thing happened though–I felt HORRIBLE after eating it. Not guilty (I mean that did happen)–but it just didn’t set well in my stomach and my energy levels just weren’t where I needed them to be for a few days beyond the time the food had actually moved out of my system.

I know the big pull of fast food for me is having someone else do the work for me and it keeps me from having to really plan my meals like I should be doing. Going to get back in the saddle and try again though 🙂

Shay Spearman April 2, 2013 - 12:37 PM

I’m starting the Clean Eating steps, and I wanted to know where steps 5 – 9 are. I have the weekly challenges, but wanted the steps. Loving the recipes. There’s so much to choose from that I know I won’t be bored on this journey.

Erika Nicole Kendall April 2, 2013 - 7:24 PM

They’re all listed in the post, mama. All right there.

Jennifer June 30, 2013 - 12:58 PM

I’m struggling! I seem to be gaining instead of losing and can’t figure out why.

Erika Nicole Kendall June 30, 2013 - 5:57 PM

Are you still doing the food diary? Are you taking a note of your portion sizes and being mindful of your caloric intake?

Theresa Bravo January 12, 2015 - 1:59 AM

I am looking forward to new eating clean way of living
No doubt I will be calling for hel. Thank you

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