Home Clean Eating Boot Camp 2013 Clean Eating Boot Camp: Recap

Clean Eating Boot Camp: Recap

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Join the BGG2WL Clean Eating Boot Camp!

Take a breather. Let’s keep it easy this week.

Hopefully, by now, you’ve chosen one of the books we talked about last week. If not, pick one.

basil 001

I’m pretty much just sitting tight on veggie purchases until spring veggies start showing up at the farmer’s market. If I have to eat another parsnip fry, I’ma spaz out. For the love of all things leafy green, give me a freaking tomato!

Let’s get into those books (and those condiments) I mentioned, though. Y’all have been waiting long enough, and we’ve got to get ready for spring!

To recap all of the boot camp posts:

Who’s struggling? Who’s winning? Who’s fighting? Who needs tips? Don’t be afraid to speak up!

Need recipes? Have questions? Contribute to the #CEBootCamp hashtag on either twitter or instagram. I’m contributing to both!

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Stacy March 18, 2013 - 5:59 PM

I just wanted to tell you that I love reading your blog, and I always find a wealth of good, worthwhile information here. I was just looking for info on clean eating this morning and saw you post this on Facebook, so I can’t wait to read through your posts on the subject. I’ve cut out sugar and gluten and started eating vegetables for the first time in my life, and I’ve never felt better, in ways both mental and physical. Thank you for having a blog like this. It always helps me to learn from people who are on a similar journey, and I know you’re helping a lot of other people out there as well.

Ceej March 18, 2013 - 11:10 PM

Struggling. Budget’s been really tight this month. Plus I’m trying to find a lunch bag big enough to fit all my meals for the day that doesn’t look like a lunchbag, because most coffee shop (which I work out of) frown upon bringing in your own food. There aren’t a lot of places for me to eat my meals while on the road. I guess I could eat out of my car…?

Anyway, I’m vowing to get back on track tomorrow by staying up to prep some meals for the rest of the week.

Melissa D. March 20, 2013 - 11:03 AM

I want to say I’m about 65% clean eating since Jan 1 which is not that bad. No soda, no fast food(mcds, wendys, etc) I really need help with the planning. I work over 55 hours/week and with 2 kids and a husband who doesn’t care for my cooking these days it’s been a struggle. I need a process to get dinners made over the weekend so that I’m not doing the 6pm scramble. At least 2-3 nights/week it’s pizza or frozen dinners or a restaurants for the family.

Talibah January 30, 2014 - 10:20 PM

I love this site! I have been eating clean since Jan 6th. I am doing GREAT! Having fashion shows (with Jude my Cocker Spaniel watching) every morning, because I am starting to fit in my smaller size clothes. I have a class reunion coming in Aug. ’14 and my goal is to lose at least 8-10 pounds per month. I am starting my exercise program tomorrow. I’ll be walking – my goal is 4 – 5 miles per day. In May I will re-join the YMCA so that I can swim laps (I try to swim a mile). I am going to keep coming to your site. Ii’m doing me in 2014.

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