Q: Did you have any unhealthy pregnancy cravings you had to deny yourself??
The War on Sugar
A brief look at and discussion of one of the most widely-viewed presentations on nutrition on the entire Internet.
Six of the most outrageous claims from the food industry, and how you can spot them.
On the heels of our sugar, diabetes and Alzheimer’s discussion, is this infographic that shows you just how much sugar is in some of your favorite foods.
But is a serving of boiled potatoes really much worse than a helping of nuts? Is some white bread as bad as a candy bar?
A Family Of Bears Teaches You Everything You Need To Know About Soft Drinks
These lovely polar bears are delivering a “new” kind of message about your favorite soft drinks!
Pleasure and The Puritans: Why “If It Tastes Good, It MUST Be Bad” Is Wrong
Discussing The Puritan Principle: If it feels good, it must be bad.
It’s Always Been A Big Fat Lie: Why Low-Fat And Fat-Free Are Bad Ideas
Need more proof that the “low fat/no-fat” philosophy isn’t the way to go?
Understanding Calorie Counting: A Final Word
For our first series ever, Black Girl’s Guide To Weight Loss will be explaining calorie counting, and ways to win the war. This is post 6 of the series – …
One thing that I realized about myself in this journey to lose the weight, was that I needed to address my eating habits. I couldn’t understand what was happening that …
When I lived in Texas, my girl and I used to hit up the Red Lobster every other weekend. We’d crack jokes, catch up (school kept us very busy, plus …
Q: Before I even go there though I have to ask: are menstrual cravings even REAL?!
That smoothie might be causing your more harm than good.
A few thoughts on the nightmarish interview that Biggest Loser castmates gave to NY Post, and what we can learn from it.
I’ve been saying “A calorie is not a calorie!” forever… someone else finally agrees.
Want to know how diabetes affects bodily function?
Q: Have you ever experienced depression with weight loss?
Friday 5: 5 Things We Can Learn From The Woman Who Died Drinking Sodapop
When someone dies from drinking, on average, 2.2 gallons of coke a day… there are a few lessons to be learned, here.
The ultimate list of names for “sugar,” and how it’s used against you.