Everything you need to know about running for weight loss.
Video from the #ScaleFreeSpring video chat, and ways you can join us today!
Everything you need to know about running for weight loss.
Video from the #ScaleFreeSpring video chat, and ways you can join us today!
Five things that, in my mind, you must understand if you want to experience successful weight loss.
What can compression garments do for your training and performance? Which ones should you check out first? Details inside!
Re-approaching motivation and how to stop waiting for it.
Surely, it’s easy for me to get my tail in gear for all this running, right? Y’all have no idea.
My heartfelt recap of my experience with the Army Ten Miler, at the Pentagon.
Got four questions – all sort of related – for Q&A Wednesday.
What running groups do ​you​ run with? Have you given group running a try? Are you a lone runner? Sound off!
The other night, on twitter, I was asked about different pieces of my story. I guess that means… more about my struggle? How I came to a point where I …
Q: I was wondering how do you get back on the wagon once you’ve fallen off?
How a comic strip made me miss long-distance running.
Come, let your inner child ooh and aah with me at these shoes!
This Wednesday’s question? Figuring out workout pain and how to address it!
Did “I’m not giving up chocolate!” make the list?
…what would it be?
“Growing up, I always felt that in order to be taken seriously as an athlete, I had to be a tomboy. […] As I’ve gotten older, I’ve felt like that’s …
Q: What did you find to be the hardest part to in beginning working out?
If I’m not using the scale, how the hell am I measuring my progress?
What goes into creating a great running schedule? What should I consider when I make my training plan? Here, I list ten things that anyone should consider when creating or …