Home Q&A Wednesday Q&A Thursday: Getting and Staying Motivated

Q&A Thursday: Getting and Staying Motivated

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Q&A…Thursday? That’s right! To make up for the site’s outage yesterday, I promised the FB readership that I’d go through and answer ANY question they had about me or the site’s purpose. Let’s go!

Q: What did you find to be the hardest part to in beginning working out?

Q: How do you stay motivated even when your stress levels are maxed out!?!?

I paired both of these questions together because the answer, to me, is the same.

I don’t work out because I want to work out. I work out because that’s the commitment I make to myself. It’s that simple. The hardest part of beginning? Is realizing that.

Working out is my stress relief. It’s a small amount of time that I take out of my day to take care of me. To ensure that I will have an improved quality of life for both today and tomorrow. I understand that it’s difficult to commit to something today when you might not see the benefits of said commitment until the near (or distant) future, but just like saving and investing money… the time you invested today will absolutely pay off tomorrow.

Don’t paint working out as something that you have to feel inclined to do, or even necessarily enjoy. Look at it as something you dedicate to yourself, and you’re worth the effort it takes to get it done.

And don’t get me wrong – there are plenty of ways to get in different kinds of enjoyable activities. I practice yoga, I belly dance, I am a pole girl, I’m a strength trainer and I run. I enjoy them, but I don’t always love them… especially when I know I’m stressed and tired (and I’m referring specifically to running. Good grief, there are days I do not love running, but I’m always glad that I put on my kicks and stepped out the front door.)

So, in short… look at working out and being active as exactly what they are: tools to ensure that your quality of life is improved for not only today, but tomorrow and beyond… and then just get up and do it. The more you overcomplicate it, the more likely it is that you’ll skip it. Don’t do it to yourself!

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SassyK February 3, 2011 - 12:48 PM

I needed to read this.
Earlier in the week, my co-worker and I both talked about how we need to re-dedicate ourselves to working out regularly. Between December 14 to present has been lazy central. I’ve been eating what I should just not working out at all. I am printing this: I don’t work out because I want to work out. I work out because that’s the commitment I make to myself. It’s that simple. The hardest part of beginning? Is realizing that.

Excerpted from Q&A Thursday: Getting and Staying Motivated | A Black Girl’s Guide To Weight Loss

and posting it on my wall at work.

Carmel March 29, 2011 - 11:49 AM

I am writing it with pretty markers and putting it on my motivation wall.

Martha Belk August 3, 2012 - 8:10 AM

I needed to hear this. Because I need motivation to work out. I don’t have anyone to work out with so I have to motivate myself. Thank you.

Jasmine February 3, 2011 - 1:15 PM

So glad you are back up Erika!! I luv your site. I am starting my journey to clean eating and your site is the bomb.com!!!! I have a 18 month old and its hard to find time to work out but you know what it’s a necessity just like I brush my teeth everyday I need to work out!

Nicole (akascholar) February 3, 2011 - 1:46 PM

On that note, I am getting my butt off the couch and going running.

keyalus February 3, 2011 - 2:21 PM

ITA with this post. Working out has become a habit for me. I don’t always feel like doing it but I do it because that is just what I do at 5AM every day. I don’t feel right if I don’t exercise.

I also make it a point to make working out work for me. I go to bed early so I don’t have the excuse of being sleepy. I work out early AM so I don’t have some random “something came up” excuse in the evening.

Sheera February 6, 2011 - 6:59 PM

I’ve totally fallen off my goal (with regard to my fitness). I know I get up & go to class & read about things that are sort of boring (sometimes) cause it’s the mechanism that will get me to where I want to be (career wise). I’m going to change my thinking about fitness to this mindset too. Good look!

Marisa February 24, 2012 - 10:23 AM

Thank you so much for this one Erika. I’ve been working out for 3 weeks straight and keep asking myself, “OK, when am I gonna start feeling those endorphins(sp?!) kick in & I start feeling like I love this?” I don’t enjoy exercising but know that it has to be a part of my new healthy lifestyle. Now there are days that I have that “that was a good workout” feeling but it’s not many of them! Thank you for making me feel normal & not feeling bad for not being one of those chipper, Yea we’re exercising chicks…cuz I’m not!!! I’m exercising and that’s the important part.

Tamica April 16, 2012 - 6:19 PM

I’ve just begun my journey (again!) so I’m highly motivated right now to lose this weight. It’s been almost 2 years since I last visited the gym but as soon as I got in there I immediately caught that bug again. Working out has never been my biggest issue, it has always been my diet. Hopefully this time between me, Jesus, Erika and a few other online angels 🙂 I will finally be able to accomplish my goals!!! I’m so ready!

Neil June 27, 2012 - 6:23 PM

I needed to read this also, I was just talking myself out of working out. No real reason, just being lazy. After reading this, shame on me. I put my shoes on and went to the gym. thank you!!!

Nikita July 19, 2013 - 5:12 PM

Thank you SO much for this post!! It was truly what I needed today. Like in a previous reply, I’ve been working out feverishly, and haven’t seen it as fun yet. Especially when the scale isn’t moving as fast as I think it should. I know exercise is necessary, but its hard work!! Today I told myself that I have to treat exercise like I treat my job; as the necessary work to maintain and improve my invaluable health. This post just validated me – thanks Erika!!!

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