Little things make a big difference in wellness… so here, we talk about the little things you might not’ve known that can make you ten times healthier!
An example of a farmer’s market that accepts credit, debit and EBT cards.
Little things make a big difference in wellness… so here, we talk about the little things you might not’ve known that can make you ten times healthier!
An example of a farmer’s market that accepts credit, debit and EBT cards.
For our first series ever, Black Girl’s Guide To Weight Loss will be explaining calorie counting, and ways to win the war. This is post 2 of the series – …
Everything you need to know about trans fats in your processed food, and how to avoid it.
An infographic about oral diseases that correlate with many common diseases that affect overall health.
What can water do for you? Read on for this and more in this quick little infographic!
The story of Hercules, the “top hat and tails” chef of President George Washington, and his plan for freedom.
…plenty of answers to your questions about sleeping and how sleep affects your health…
And now, a moment of tough love. I’m not gonna lie – this is more for me than it is for you, dear reader, because I have a bad habit …
An infographic detailing the issues with obesity, and a few simple solutions.
Wondering how to use that big foamy-rollie-thingy? Learn how to take advantage of “the poor man’s deep tissue massage” here!
I have a bit of a penchant for talking about food myths. Mainly because, well, a lot of what our families have learned over the years about our relationships with …
While I haven’t had a burger in about a decade, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the occasional juicy thick meaty monster something-or-other on the TV screen didn’t …
What does “USDA Inspected” mean on your food label?
On coffee, it’s potential benefits, its usefulness in exercise, and how to enjoy it responsibly (if you choose.)
An infographic that explains the effects that obesity has on our country.
Here’s an interesting little tidbit I picked up from a Weekly Spark article about misconceptions that we have about our bodies and doing right by them: So what makes 7 …
Discussing the increase in sex drive a woman experiences when she loses weight.
I know you’ve seen it. You hit the frozen foods section at the grocery store, and you pass the waffles. You’re thinking “Man, I could eat these for a quick …
I really, really, reeeeeally wanted to write about Jamie Oliver’s new show “Food Revolution,” but something much more compelling came across my desk. Thanks to Ink for sending it over. …
Where does molasses come from, why is it better than regular sugar, and what can I use it for?