A little while ago, I asked the wonderful, amazingly awesome readers of this site who they allow to bring their weight to their attention. Lots of great comments, with a …
It’s Always Been A Big Fat Lie: Why Low-Fat And Fat-Free Are Bad Ideas
Need more proof that the “low fat/no-fat” philosophy isn’t the way to go?
Find out where our calories come from, and what counts for the largest chunk of our calorie consumption.
Comparing “regular” and “fat free” food stuffs – which is cleaner eating?
Q: I am counting calories, but should I be paying attention to fat?
Got four questions – all sort of related – for Q&A Wednesday.
Eating emotionally is about hiding from a very prominent problem in your food…
Excerpted parts of the NY Times’ article, “Is Sugar Toxic?” and my thoughts throughout the post.
Hey, girl. How you doin’? How’s [insert loved one]? Good, that’s good to hear. Listen, I wanted to talk to you because I know you’re pretty comfy in your own …
I really, really, reeeeeally wanted to write about Jamie Oliver’s new show “Food Revolution,” but something much more compelling came across my desk. Thanks to Ink for sending it over. …
One evening my Mother, sister and I sat at the bar in the house, and my Mother couldn’t stop staring at me. “I’m just so proud of you. You just …
My relationship with carbs is love-hate. In the form of veggies and fruits, they’re pretty awesome. So that’s love. But in the form of processed foods, packaged with excess sugars …
I feel like it’s hard to start in one particular place with this, because it’s foolish from all sides. Looking at my post about the belief that all calories are …