Home From Erika's Kitchen Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Oven Roasted Tomatoes

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Like I said before… once tomatoes get down to about $1.29 per pound? I go all in. No joke.

For me, a favorite is the oven-roasted tomato. I’d love to have mine sun-dried, but I haven’t quite perfected that method yet and buying them in a jar is far too expensive for my tastes.

So, without further ado… my simple oven roasted tomato!

Take your roma tomatoes, cut them into four pieces, the long way.

See how I’m cutting that tomato? That’s me cutting out the inside tomato goo. You’ll want to do that, too (preferably without nicking your hand.)

You should be left with this:

…but you should also be left with this:

Save those. Repeat this process of gutting out the tomatoes…until you get this:

It’ll also leave you with this:

Remember: save those. But back to this:

Sprinkle a little basil, oregano, and olive oil over the top. Every tomato won’t be coated with olive oil, and that’s ok. Be stingy with it – it’s pricey, anyway. (Told y’all I’m cheap.) Get a pinch of sea salt in your fingers, place it in the palm of your hand. Then try to grab a pinch of your pinch (it should result in you only picking up half of your salt…and don’t cheat, either) and sprinkle it over your tray. Put ’em in the oven for about 20 minutes at 350… and you should get this:

And if you’re like me, and you prefer yours to be so thoroughly roasted that they start turning black on the bottom (no, really – save a few of your tomatoes and try it!)… you get left with this:

How do you store them? You can keep them in a plastic container if necessary… but if you’re like me, and you save any and every old jar… you’ll have one on hand to stick your tomatoes in:

Stick your tomatoes in a jar, push them down so that you can get as many in there as you need, then slowly pour olive oil over the top of the jar.. so that the tomatoes soak in it. It’s that easy!

These tomatoes are versatile – pair them with some pasta, artichokes and parmesan for dinner… or top your salad with them for lunch. Either way… you can get a lot of mileageout of a few tomatoes! Hope you enjoy!

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Brenda Turner August 19, 2010 - 3:34 PM

Can these tomatoes be canned using a boiling water bath?

Erika August 19, 2010 - 3:59 PM

Yep! I wanted to say that, but I’m not yet ready to post a how-to on that for those who might not know what that is or how to do that, lol.

Monika August 19, 2010 - 8:21 PM

Fantastic! I will definitely try this one!!Thanks for sharing

Anna August 20, 2010 - 8:07 PM

Made these tonight. SO GOOD! Thanks for posting.

S August 29, 2010 - 5:20 PM

I made these today (also the tomato & cucumber relish) and they are very good!
How do I store the oven roasted tomatoes?

Erika August 29, 2010 - 5:41 PM

I put mine in a small jar with some olive oil to keep them from drying out.

Marcella September 11, 2010 - 6:10 PM

That looks so good. I can’t wait to try it.

Marrell November 20, 2013 - 6:15 AM

Love roasted tomatoes but don’t like unroasted tomatoes lol. I got tired of paying $6 for Starbucks Roasted Tomato sandwich, so I started roasted my own and assembling the sandwich myself. Using your pesto recipe (winner!), I made the sandich on an herbed foccia roll, fresh mozzarella, spinach and roasted tomatoes. It seriously gives me life everytime I eat it, and extra money in my pocket 😉

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