Home RecipesBGG2WL Contest Entries Introducing.. The BGG2WL Recipe Contest!

Introducing.. The BGG2WL Recipe Contest!

by Erika Nicole Kendall

That’s right..I wanna see what you’ve got!

In conjunction with CSN Stores, a leading supplier of console tables, I am hosting my very first recipe competition! You’ve seen food blogs that offer up awesome photo-based instructions to guide you along the way… you’ve also seen my own recipes – straight from my own kitchen – that provide you photos to detail exactly how to execute the recipe, right? Now it’s time for you to send in your own!

Recipes will be voted upon based on an 80/20 scale, with 80% of the points coming from the readers, and 20% of the points coming from me! The readers of BGG2WL will vote on your recipe, and give it anywhere from 5 stars to NO stars (yes, you may wind up getting no love, here!)

Here’s the rules:

  • Limit the sugar. If the recipe has what I deem to be excess sugar, I will intentionally give you 0 of my own points. Recipes can be sweet, but “sweet” shouldn’t be the only flavor offered in your recipe. I’m a cook. I know “too much darn sugar” when I see it.
  • It doesn’t have to be vegetarian or vegan, and it can include any meat or combination of meat (or lack thereof) that you desire. I may not eat meat, but I can respect a quality meat recipe when I see it. Besides, I still have loved ones to cook for.. and they “don’t wanna eat granola all day.”
  • Include pictures of the “during” process.
  • Recipes will be voted on based upon the following criteria:
    • Clarity: Make sure the instructions are clear.
    • Photography: It must contain photography. The more, the better. The more attractive, the better.
    • Creativity: Extra points scored for creative use of inexpensive items. Remember – while the shrimps, salmons and grass-fed beefs are wonderful (if you like those sorts of things), not everyone can afford that. Consider smaller portions if you must be fancy.
    • Efficiency – how long does the recipe take?
  • Use your resources, but don’t steal a recipe from another website. Sure, this may be the honor system, but I’ll know if you’ve stolen a recipe without changing, modifying or crediting properly.
  • Feel free to tell a story leading into your recipe. The more you involve the voters, the higher they’re likely to score your recipe!
  • This is a healthy recipe contest, and I do have 20% of the points. Don’t send in any pork flavored broccoli, thinking you’re slick.
  • Anyone can enter, but only one person within the US will win the prize.

…and what will that one win?

This gorgeous 12-piece kitchen cookware set!

Submissions will be posted in the recipe category and labeled as “BGG2WL Contest Entries.” You can enter as many times as you like by sending in different recipes. Entries will be posted as they’re received.

No more entries will be accepted for this conpetition after November 14th. Voting begins November 15th, with the polls closing and the winner chosen on the 22nd!

Want some examples?

So, let’s see how my first contest turns out, eh? Let’s do this! Send all entries to contest@blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com, complete with pictures attached and numbered!

Since I’d like to host these kinds of contests regularly, I’m looking forward to fleshing out all the details so that I can have these more frequently! Any questions? Ask ’em in the comments, and I’ll do my best to clear anything up!

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bellz October 22, 2010 - 11:03 AM

sounds right up my alley!!! I have some great recipes I can share. I gotta remember to do this!

Msladee October 22, 2010 - 11:52 AM

Can you enter more than one recipe? Should the estimated calorie count be submitted also?

Erika October 22, 2010 - 11:58 AM

Yes, you can enter more than one recipe! If you enter six recipes, it counts as six entries.

You can estimate the calorie count if you want, but realize that if someone estimates your calorie count to be too high for THEM, they’re going to rank you lower because of it. That can hurt you more than it helps.

Streetz October 22, 2010 - 12:19 PM

Good ish Erika!

I might have to break out my “Streetztalk Cinnabon” recipe for this one!!


Erika October 22, 2010 - 12:23 PM

LMAO Do it! I’d rather people put in the work and eat a deliciously homemade cinnamon bun than buy a 1000 calorie one at the mall!

Besides… when you make ’em at home, they taste soooooooooooo much better. No, really. Yum.

Let me see some photos of you gettin’ your Iron Chef on!

Streetz October 22, 2010 - 12:29 PM

LOL @ Erika! I feel you

Dont be tryna get me to be sending u pics n stufff hahahaha

No seriously this is a hot idea. So… if I holla at my moms and get her to make something crazy, does that disqualify me? She don’t blog, so im gonna Diddy it, call us “Dirty dishes’ and make it a collabo.

She cooks, I adlib


Erika October 22, 2010 - 12:32 PM


I say yes, only because I know you’ll do the “manly” thing and give the prize to your Mom, anyway. 🙂

aisha1908 October 22, 2010 - 7:17 PM

I am so excited!! and I am especially excited that I will be well enough to be on my feet and cook to participate. I am looking forward to seeing the recipes recommended by other readers. how awesome!

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