Home Clean Eating Boot Camp 2013 Clean Eating Boot Camp: Join the Official Boot Camp Mailing List Today!

Clean Eating Boot Camp: Join the Official Boot Camp Mailing List Today!

by Erika Nicole Kendall

I’ve made a few decisions when it comes to the boot camp.

homemade sun-dried tomato hummus with cucumbers

homemade sun-dried tomato hummus with cucumbers

1) I’m going to create an e-mail subscription service that will allow people to begin the boot camp when they want, on their own schedule, and work on learning not only how to cut processed foods, but also in learning how to work with fresh ones. This way, people can make progress without the stress and hassle of seeing all the newest boot camp steps, and feeling like they’re too far behind.

People can subscribe to the list at their leisure, without worrying that they’re missing something.

If you’re looking to get a fresh start, or just give it a second go and start from there, or if you’d like to get a refresher course in clean eating.. orrrrr if you’d like to take advantage of all the awesome additional tips and tidbits I’ll be dropping in the weekly e-mails?

E-mails will come weekly, and each week you’ll receive not only Boot Camp steps and their respective recipes, but also my favorite clean eating and fitness-focused books and resources, tips for saving money while eating clean, and more… all in one weekly e-mail!

Get yours. Now! (E-mail/RSS subscribers, you might have to come visit the blog to sign-up!)

2) I really need to get caught up on recipes. I owe y’all cheeses…

Macaroni and cheese!

Macaroni and cheese!


Mmmm…homemade sour dill pickles.


a couple of tomatoes…

Pizza time, baby – tomato, goat cheese, arugula. Flax-seed pizza dough.

maybe even a condiment or two…Don’t forget to subscribe so that you’ll be there when it all drops!

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MM June 17, 2013 - 12:45 PM

Awesome! Thanks for all that you do 🙂

Ashleigh June 17, 2013 - 8:35 PM

I’m excited about what’s to come!

Andrea June 17, 2013 - 9:30 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I didn’t start the Boot Camp when you first started posting the steps, and I was just here the other day trying to figure out the steps so I can get started now. This is just what I needed!

Audrey June 23, 2013 - 7:37 AM

Did a lap at Prospect Park yesterday and thought of you. If you’re ever there on a Saturday morning, would love to walk and talk to help motivate me more !

Shelia June 23, 2013 - 6:11 PM

I’m excited about the recipes to come. I’m reading over past information. Hope this helps me out….imma need some cheer leaders, so y’all be sure to help me out! 🙂

Vivian June 27, 2013 - 4:55 PM

I love your recipes! I tried the stuffed peppers one and realized I didn’t have enough peppers to stuff, so I just followed the recipe than used the filling for my taco salad and it was delicious! I added a quarter of avocado and some salsa instead of mixing it with tomato paste. It was good and filling too!

sharon July 13, 2013 - 9:24 PM

Yes thank you so much for all that you are doing to help and encourage us along the way I really need this especially on getting rid of the processed food and adding the right foods.

Blessings to you and everyone on this journey of lifestyle change

Nicole August 27, 2013 - 11:28 AM

Hi So excited about this boot camp. I am a Vegan but my family (Husband) is not ready for it. I’m sure I can get them to meet me half way with eating cleanlifestyle. I hope this boot camp will help me transition them into it. Oh and if you can post some Vegan recipes that would be great too.

Vivisica September 30, 2013 - 2:53 PM

Hope this helps with the 110lbs of depo weight I have been carrying around for the last 15 years.

Shelita October 20, 2013 - 2:18 PM

WOW, I LOVE IT!!! You’re such a Blessing!!!

Suzanne Brewer November 6, 2013 - 6:29 PM

I found you by accident…..or maybe God pushed me to you. Either way, I watched your little video and cried. I am a little heavier than you were when you started…..but I believe I can do this. You are my “Fitspiration”. Thank you. I will be spending this weekend going thru the cupobards, frig & freezer to throw away all crap/junk….and plan to eat clean and to STOP emotional eating. That’s the hard part, but I will try. Thank you again..

Gaye December 18, 2013 - 3:26 PM

I lost 68lbs on my own, but I need help with toning, shaping my abs, butt and thighs. I don’t want skinny, I want healthy.

Kesha December 18, 2013 - 7:18 PM

Is this still an active mailing list?

I signed up for it in November, and the only one I received is the welcome email and the survey. I have checked in the spam folder, and added the information to contacts just to be sure.

What am I missing?

Erika Nicole Kendall December 20, 2013 - 10:32 PM

Yep. Going strong! Try unsubscribing and resubscribing if things haven’t sent to you.

rosemarie January 7, 2014 - 12:43 PM

I wanted to start the clean eating boot camp can you please let me know how to start the steps

Erika Nicole Kendall January 8, 2014 - 10:39 PM

Enter your e-mail address above and get it started!

Adrienne July 25, 2014 - 4:18 PM

Hey there! I subscribed but never received emails after the confirmation.

Erika Nicole Kendall July 27, 2014 - 7:06 PM

Try unsubscribing and re-subscribing?

Lisa December 28, 2014 - 1:17 PM

I’m 5’4 and weigh 162lbs., I really want to lose 12 -14lbs., and keep it off. I carry a lot of belly fat and it’s unattractive. The New Year is coming and I want to succeed by June 2015. No one in my family believes me but I’m determined and I want to be a role model for my child. I’m tired of eating junk because I’m bored. I devote a lot of time to my daughter, home, family, work I feel like a robot. This is something I want to do for myself.

Shaunte` March 1, 2016 - 6:15 PM

Hi Erika,

My name is Shaunte` I came across your website today when I was looking for tips on how to loose the gut and not the butt. I saw your site and clicked on it immediately, I thought finally something specifically tailored to the struggles black women face losing weight, getting to their best healthy self and not to mention purchasing healthier items at the grocery store on a budget.

I am a working, mother of two wonderful children. I get home in the evening after 5 and I am looking for some quick, tasty, healthy meal ideas that the kids will love just as much as I will. Recipes that are easy to make so that it doesn’t take so much time to prepare and cook so we can eat before 7:00 PM. Eating late is why I have put on a few extra pounds and I am trying to change these habits before the weight starts to attack the kids because of eating at 7 and 7:30 then going to bed by 8:30. I was preparing the meals the night before and then cooking the next night to save time, that’s when we would eat earlier.

I feel like I am in a recipe rut now and I am tired of making the same things. I would really love some new healthy Ideas. I have recipe block, Please Help….

I would like for you to send me the first steps to the Clean eating Boot Camp. I know I am starting late but I want to be on board too. I would love for you to send me some recipes for clean eating that the kids will love just as much as I will. I’m sure you have some great ideas seeing that you too are a mother and I’m sure you know the struggle of children’s taste that can vary from day to day.

I am really happy you started something like this. You are awesome for this. Thank you! Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments and your motivational story. Hope to see an e-mail from you soon.

Warm Regards,

Shaunte` F.

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