An essay published in the NYT says no, and I agree…but for very different reasons. The deal on diets, weight loss, and ‘set points.’
Erika Nicole Kendall
Erika Nicole Kendall
The proud leader of the #bgg2wlarmy, Erika Nicole Kendall writes food and fitness, body image and beauty, and more here at #bgg2wl. After losing over 150lbs, Kendall became a personal trainer certified in fitness nutrition, women's fitness, and weight loss by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also certified in sports nutrition by Precision Nutrition. She now lives in New York with her husband and children, and is working on her 6th and 7th certifications because she likes having alphabet soup at the end of her name.
“Working out deprives your baby of nutrients!” or “Lifting your arms above your head too much will result in the umbilical cord wrapping around the baby’s neck!” or even “That …
Q: Erika! Did you give up carbs to lose the weight before? Are you giving up carbs to lose your baby weight?
There are some cruel and inhumane people in this world, like Dani Mathers, and unfortunately you are likely to meet at least one or two of them at the gym.
So many of you talked about how you’d ‘fallen off the wagon,’ and how you regretted it. Here’s how to hop back on the wagon, and stay there.
After one failed attempt and one successful attempt at breastfeeding, here’s everything I learned to help you achieve success when you give it a shot.
We feel the need to say “black lives matter” because, when you treat a population with apathy and skepticism, you’re trying to tell them they DON’T.
Ebony asked me about my thoughts on intermittent fasting, and I was actually surprised that I’d never written about it before. Basically, it works, but I still wouldn’t do it. …
Yes to sweets, no to soul-crushing workouts, and definitely calorie counting,but not for the reasons you think!
A collection of the most common questions I get about my thick natural hair, but the answers would help whether you’re natural or not.
Homophobia kills, and not just with guns and knives.
The story of my second child, otherwise known as Baby Sprout.
The claim: “Drink half your body weight in ounces of water! Drink until your pee is clear!”
Sometimes, your exercise routine can feel unhealthy, and obsessing over it can take up so much of your time that it makes you fear that you’re developing a disorder. Learn …
Diastasis Recti: Everything You Need to Know About Repairing Your Post-Baby Tummy
Everything you need to know about abdominal separation and getting rid of that post-partum belly pooch.
Quite frankly, all 3 phrases—“eat less, move more;” “calories in, calories out;” and “everything in moderation”—are all crocks of sh—you know. Here’s why.
Q: Hey Erika! Love the blog! I wanted to ask you, a message board I’m apart of has a lot of women who use the term “skinny fat,” and I …
Yay for cooking without turning on the stove, especially when it’s crazy hot outside! Learn about ceviche, ‘cooking’ without heat, and deliciousness!
Some people CAN’T skip breakfast, because their diets leave them starving in the middle of the night.