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My Appearance On LoveTALK Radio

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of doing an interview with LoveTALK Radio to discuss BGG2WL, weight loss, emotional eating and how my lifestyle has affected my relationships with loved ones. If you get a little free time, you should definitely check it out – it was an awesome interview and it definitely doesn’t disappoint!

If you’ve got an appearance you’d like me to make, don’t hesitate to drop me a line!

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Ladi Ohm June 30, 2010 - 12:45 PM

Okay, I’ve been stalking your site for a while now… so I need to get thing one thing out of the way… SKEE WEE my Soror! Okay… now I can get to the point of my post…

This was a wonderful interview! I have been looking to this site for support where it has been lacking in my own social circle, and there were some points in your interview that really reinforced what I’ve already read. I’m so grateful to be able to come here, and not hear all the ‘girl please, you look fine, etc…’ but truly get support, and tips to help me live the healthy life I know I deserve.
I would love to know what some of the books you read to deal with coping issues… as you stated, that’s something that so many of us really need to address, and I know I personally do.

BTW… I’ve fallen in love you after this interview hun, luv, luv, luv your candor…

Erika June 30, 2010 - 1:22 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please spread the word about the site if you can! 🙂

Vonda July 7, 2010 - 5:49 PM

Awesome interview! Real talk that we all need
Peer pressure is serious when it comes to food. My friends/family & I most of the time end up at a restaurant where we stuff ourselves. Even if we eat small portions, those portions are high calorie. I won’t even start talking about lunch time. All the downtown restaurants are so tempting!

I have a question about weight training; how did start your weights routine?

Erika July 8, 2010 - 9:31 AM

I started in a gym, worked backwards and researched what I could do at home, then created my own weights at the house. I briefly touched on it here: https://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/exercise-101/three-great-ways-to-exercise-at-home/

Rochelle August 2, 2010 - 7:07 PM

Girl, this is what I really needed to hear. I wanted to know all of this. You have SO much info. on your site that it takes me a minute to find what I’m really looking for. But the comment about getting friends to do something that’s not related to pigging out is my LIFE! The whole “Life Style Change” does sound corny but its so true! You are truly a blessing & inspiration to me on my weight loss journey. Thank you

Rochelle August 2, 2010 - 7:46 PM

build an app for mobile phones, if you can incorporate tracking food, excercise, calorie intake, and a barcode scanner to scan food barcodes, girl you would blow this site up and your future. Get it together and I would be the first to sign up. Enjoyed the interview, answered questions that I wanted to ask. Truly and inspiration! Thanks!

Terri Humphrey January 19, 2011 - 11:39 AM


I’d just like to say I am so grateful to have been led to your blog (thanks yahoo). This is a first for me to follow a blog but this right here was meant to be. I have been on this journey a longgggggg time but I turned 40 last July and I just felt enough is enough. I don’t have to look this way and don’t have to feel this way. So I am now making life style changes, had slip ups during the holidays but back on track now and am just really happy to have found you. Thank you for being so candid and real I can really relate to everything that I’ve read so far.

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