Home About The Site Listen In: My Appearance On The Michael Baisden Show

Listen In: My Appearance On The Michael Baisden Show

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Thursday, I got to share with Michael Baisden and George Willborn a little bit of my story as well as a few kind words regarding how we deal with weight loss as it relates to our loved ones. It’s a short little interview. Listen in here!

PS: Check out my dear friend Afrobella’s segment, too!

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1 comment

Tiffany July 14, 2011 - 11:25 AM

I finally remembered to listen to this podcast. There’s probably been a blog post on the topic of how once you lose the weight, people around you (mainly females) feel insecure. This was a recent topic of discussion with my husband after going to a family cookout this past weekend. The male family members who hadn’t seen me in a while were so supportive, but I got the uncomfortable stares from the females. It’s not like I’m conceited. I’m willing to share the “wealth” now that I’ve found the “secret”. I want to find a way to make them comfortable enough to ask me for advice without seeming like a know-it-all.

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