Home Recipes Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges

Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges

by Erika Nicole Kendall

2  tablespoons  olive oil
1 tablespoon  brown sugar
1/4  teaspoon  ground nutmeg
Kosher salt and pepper
4  pounds  small sweet potatoes, each peeled and cut into 8 wedges
8  sprigs thyme

Heat oven to 400° F.

In a large bowl, combine the oil, sugar, nutmeg, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Add the sweet potato wedges and toss to coat.

Transfer to a large rimmed baking sheet and arrange in a single layer. Scatter the thyme over the top and roast, turning once, until the edges are dark brown and the wedges are crisp, about 1 hour.

Make-Ahead Note: The sweet potatoes can be cut and seasoned up to 2 hours before cooking.

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Kendra Roberts April 6, 2011 - 12:47 PM

Hi Erica,

I was really excited to add this recipe to my Sunday dinner menu. The only challenge I had was turning the wedges over at the thirty minute mark. I used a non stick cooking sheet, but unfortunately they still stuck to the sheet. Because I wasn’t able to turn the wedges a few of them were burnt and I wasn’t able to eat them. The next time I try this recipe I’m going to spray my non stick pan with Pam or put aluminum foil down as a buffer. I’ll let you know how my second batch turns out.


Kelly September 18, 2014 - 8:22 PM

I actually burned these a little bit (one tray a lot), and my kids–who don’t even like brownish toast–gobbled them up!

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