Home Fit Chick Watch Fit Chick Watch: YOU, Round Two!

Fit Chick Watch: YOU, Round Two!

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Send me your tired… your poor… your SWEATY!

Bethany, after a glorious booty-kicking, said “I don’t know why I’m smiling…

Girl, stop playing. We all know why you’re smiling. Shaun T is foine. That’s why.

But seriously… check out Lisa’s story:

Hi, Erika!

Sending another entry for the fit chick watch. This pic was taken Jan. 2012.  My name is Lisa, and I’m a 41-year old single mom. I’m 5’4″ and currently weigh about 135 lbs. (you know how it varies LOL) with a body fat of 24%. I am working towards 17-20% body fat. I used to weigh around 200 lbs. over 10 years ago (I stopped looking at the scale at 197 lbs. LOL) and wore a size 16; I now wear a size 2/4 and an occasional 0 (that’s because I only have a booty bump instead of a butt LOL).

…and she looks awesome.

Why haven’t you sent in your fit chick photos? Hmm?

Tag them to me on Instagram at @bgg2wl, tweet them to me at @bgg2wl, or e-mail them to me! Get on it!

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Nyla Coils October 16, 2012 - 8:04 PM

She looks amazing. Yes, fitness can be achieved after 40! Go GIRL!

Lisa November 29, 2012 - 11:16 PM

Thanks! I feel more alive in my 40s than I did in my 20s and 30s. If I had known my 40s were going to be this great, I might have traveled back to the future 20 years ago LOL

EJ October 18, 2012 - 12:01 PM

I am totally blown away and inspired by by Fit Chick Lisa’s story. What an accomplishment!!! You exemplify what is possible if one only puts their mind to it.

People take note!


Lisa November 29, 2012 - 11:24 PM

Thanks, EJ. I have to say it hasn’t been as easy as just putting my mind to it if you mean in a will power kind of way. I have had to commit my mind, body, and soul to taking care of me and accept that I will sometimes have setbacks. This is still an every day journey for me. I just feel blessed to be aware of how taking care of my health and fitness is one way of loving me.

Tonya Green October 20, 2012 - 1:22 PM

I’ve recently loss 50 lbs. Still have a loooong way to go. I need some tips on a workout that can help me get rid of all this loose skin. I really hate my mirrors at this point. Please help!

Lisa November 29, 2012 - 11:29 PM

What Erika said about building some muscle for your skin to cling to as you lose the fat. I’ve never had a really flat stomach because I’ve always tended to carry my weight in my upper body. When I first started losing weight, it was because I changed my diet and I started doing some cardio but no weights. What you can’t see in my pic is that I have drooping, loose skin on my lower abs that I can never exercise away. No bikinis for me 🙁

Felisha January 23, 2013 - 11:17 AM

Love, love, love this site! I’m on a health kick and just getting started. It’s a long journey to fitness but improvements can be seen in just a few short weeks. Congratulations to all those who are losing the weight and working out. You look wonderful.

Rooo April 12, 2013 - 1:17 AM

Bethany, you are smiling because those endorphins have kicked in (and also because you had what it took to get through the man’s workout. I don’t care how foine he is, that “Insanity” he has going on is truly well-named). 🙂

Lisa, IDK how you got that kind of definition while still keeping that long neck … I have to fight to keep Linebacker Trap Syndrome away. You go with your itty bitty self. 😀

Ericka, I am still working on this reformer – sweating on it today IINM – trying to get strong enough so my trainer will let me send you one of me doing

or maybe this

but I am not there yet.

I am only to the point where I can do this and have it not looking crazy. We were doing it today on top of a half roller placed on the carriage bed — an additional balance challenge — and I almost fell off. Mami needs to keep working.

Erika Nicole Kendall April 12, 2013 - 2:26 PM


Rooo April 12, 2013 - 3:55 PM

LOL. Kinda glad you were not there to see it. Still feeling it today.

Looked in the mirror and saw visible obliques, though. Like the tennis-playing girls! Yup yup. *nods*
By accident, even (’tis the season to be lasering).
Doesn’t take away any of the ache(s), but that and the faster traversing of the 20 blocks in heels and the lighter weight on the knees post-injury b/c all the front & back leg muscles that’re supposed to be supporting that blessed joint in the first place are stronger — three red springs and a yellow on the longest footwork sequence in the studio! — is at least a reminder when I remember how hard it is and start thinking up excuses not to go to quit whining and stop thinking “Now why am I doing this again …?”

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