Home Fit Chick Watch Calling All My BGG2WL Fit Chicks!

Calling All My BGG2WL Fit Chicks!

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Y’all… I am soooo tired.


I’m sooooo tired of featuring celebrities as “fit chicks.”

Actually, let me not lie. I’m not tired of featuring them… I’m just tired of the fact that so many of them go into hiding and then appear as their all-new “in-shape” selves. The only celebrity I can consistently count on to show herself at her best and her sweatiest, right now, is Mo’Nique… and I can’t feature her every day.

And, yes… that’s Mo’Nique. Up there. A sweaty, fit-focused mess.

So… I’m asking you, lovely ladies of BGG2WL – show your family (that’s all of us) what you look like at your sweatiest, your eww-iest, your goo-iest! Show us you, in mid-deadlift! Show me your screenshots of the treadmill! Show me your beat up running shoes! Show me how much weight you’re jerking! (Pause?) Show me what you’ve got!

Take pictures, and send them to me at erika@blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com, upload them to your instagram and mention my username (@bgg2wl) or tweet them to me at @bgg2wl! I’ll be doing a weekly post of all you lovely fit chicks, because it’s far more likely that watching you work will be more motivating and inspiring than anything else. It’s great to see celebs get in shape and stay that way, but it’s even better to see the fit chicks talking about how they do it in your own back yard!

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Nefertiti August 13, 2012 - 12:02 PM

Oh wow I’l kinda embarrased to show myself as I’m trying to loss weight now but maybe I can get a friend to get a picture of me playing tennis 🙂 me playing tennis is when I look my worst working out because I’m playing so hard hehe

CurvyCEO August 13, 2012 - 1:50 PM

What a great idea!!! While I prolly won’t be sending in any pics myself (trying to maintain that anonymity!) I definitely look forward to seeing others on their journey. FYI, I’m actually participating in a campaign called Team Healthy Curves – plus-size bloggers who are taking steps to improve their health while also still embracing positive body image. Check me out – http://bit.ly/QrD9t6.

JazzyPhae August 13, 2012 - 3:56 PM

I have been following the website for a while now. I will absolutely send you some pictures and my progress. Im still on my journey, but maybe this may inspire someone else to create their own.

CoCo August 13, 2012 - 4:24 PM

What an awesome idea! I’m looking forward to the pics.


Tiffany August 13, 2012 - 4:35 PM

I love this. All during the Olympics I kept thinking about your Fit Chicks post. Can you also show women athletes doing their thing? Like Britain’s Jessica Ennis who won gold in the heptathlon (?) and whose body is SICK! I may send in a pic, depending on my confidence levels.

Erika Nicole Kendall August 13, 2012 - 5:16 PM

Of COURSE!! Because so many of the sports get so little play, it’s hard for the photos of those athletes in action to show up on my radar, but since the Olympics just passed, that makes it infinitely easier.

Tiffany August 13, 2012 - 5:40 PM

Thanks!! I just love seeing women athletes being strong and toned and not the typical skinny crap we so often see in the media.

Rooo August 13, 2012 - 6:39 PM


I’d been thinking for awhile that a nice goal might be to get a shot of myself doing a “moderately hard” Pilates thing on one of the apparatus (because “advanced”, imo, is “ridiculously hard Ailey Pro” territory and I will have to wait till next lifetime for that, I think).

Guess this is kind of a put-the -money-where-the-mouth-is (ain’t? ‘Cause the camera does like to add weight) thing to ponder.


Kamea August 14, 2012 - 8:42 AM

I start my Monkey bar fitness class today. I hope to make it through the crawling, climbing, running, and yoga drills. This would be a picture of me in action in that program. Wish me Luck. It looks hard but I will survive. Snickering to myself in nervousness.

lois August 15, 2012 - 1:32 AM

I have been reading your blog on and off for a year, I did not realize you weighed over 300 pounds.
You did a great job with your weight lost.
I am an emotional eater. Controlling my eating is difficult for me. It does not take much for me to break a diet. Of course, eating correctly should become a normal part of ones life. Again, a job well done.

Cassandre September 1, 2013 - 4:53 PM

i love this and will be definitely posting a picture…

Rooo September 1, 2013 - 6:35 PM

While I’m still chickening out on getting photo-shooted, LOL (though I do have an excuse right now; the left shoulder in addition to the right knee is now wonky, b/c I’ve been supporting the weight on both arms to roll out the lower legs per instructions from the phyiso, LOLsigh) — I would like to call everybody’s attention to the WTA match of the day – Serena v. Sloane. The Queen still rules! But Sloane certainly gave her a fight in the first set. And they both looked amazing out there.

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