Home Clean Eating Boot Camp Clean Eating Boot Camp: Step Two

Clean Eating Boot Camp: Step Two

by Erika Nicole Kendall

By now, you’ve hopefully experienced some success with the first step of the Clean Eating Boot Camp, which was to drink two glasses – a total of 16oz – of water before you drank any caloric beverage. If you still wanted it after two glasses of water, then have it… but you had to drink the two glasses, first.

The boot camp got derailed by the attention from AOL.com and Huffington Post, and anyone can jump on board as they wish, but we’re getting back on track this week.

This week’s missive is no fast food. It sounds simple, but what does that mean? It means you have to plan. If that means you’ve got to buy TV dinners, then buy them, but you have to plan. You also have to drive past the fast food restaurant you stop at every day after work because you know you’ve already got food at home. This means you’ll have to turn down those McIn-N-Hardaburgers fast food visits for lunch.

This week’s step will help you plan in advance for your eating habits, but won’t be too much of a time-suck, just yet.

How are you faring so far? Don’t forget, there’s no such thing as “falling off the wagon” – you dust yourself off and get back up!

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shantay January 16, 2012 - 2:05 PM

I did prep today shredded chicken cut up veggies.. I’m on a roll (un buttered of course)

LaDonna January 17, 2012 - 11:51 AM

I live alone so if I cook a family size meal I can eat left overs all week. My goal is to cook on Saturday or Sunday then have left overs plus fruit for lunch. I’ve been eating oatmeal with milk and maple syrup for breakfast and it really has made a difference. I feel less hungry the rest of the day which means less snacking between meal times. I’ve noticed I am less bloated too.

Tracie G., The Brown Skin Lady January 17, 2012 - 11:56 AM

Thank you for coming back–I’d wondered what had happened! Drinking water has never been a challenge to me, because I’ve been conditioned to drink it only since I was a kid. The fast food piece will be a challenge to me I admit–not a major one, but just enough to require I do some additional planning. Definitely looking forward to it though; thanks again for the challenge! :o)

Meche February 2, 2013 - 4:14 PM

I am so very ready for step 2! Went to the food-store today to stock up on some grocery … the frozen section is your friend when you are on a budget!!

Softspoken March 24, 2013 - 11:19 AM

Hi Ericka, I can always make it about 4-5 days, sometimes even one week without soda but then I have a day where I cave. Any suggestions?

Gina April 28, 2013 - 10:01 PM

I have been reading your blog almost daily for the past 3 weeks. I would like to say Thank you. You have been the best inspiration for me. I have spent my entire life battling my weight. I have always felt like a failure because of it. So much of what you blog about is stuff I have experienced ( sex abuse), things I have tried and failed but I never experienced self love until I started reading your blog. I finally except that I’m not perfect and I’m not a victim. I am learning daily about clean eating. I’m making the changes slowly to avoid protest from my children. I hate cooking but I have been doing more cooking and I am trying 1 new recipe a week. I don’t want to diet anymore. I want to learn to eat clean and healthy and in the process I am teaching my sons to do the same. We are cooking together which gives us more time together as a family. Since I began reading your blog I think before I eat so I’m making better food choices. I plan meals for the week.I’m even learning to recognize when I’m emotionally eating. Fitting exercise in has been a challenge for me because of everyone’s schedules, but I have managed 3 days a week for 45 mins to 1 hour but I’m a work in progress. Thank you again. You were heaven sent to me and many others. May God continue to Bless you.

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