Processed food brands are finding new ways to swindle the public into believing their regular old crap is healthy now.
Erika Nicole Kendall
Erika Nicole Kendall
The proud leader of the #bgg2wlarmy, Erika Nicole Kendall writes food and fitness, body image and beauty, and more here at #bgg2wl. After losing over 150lbs, Kendall became a personal trainer certified in fitness nutrition, women's fitness, and weight loss by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also certified in sports nutrition by Precision Nutrition. She now lives in New York with her husband and children, and is working on her 6th and 7th certifications because she likes having alphabet soup at the end of her name.
If you thought her fastball was fly, wait until you see her sneakers.
Yes! I’m telling you that, if your goal is to lose weight and live healthier, you need to go to sleep! I am sending you to bed. Go. Now. And …
Six of the most outrageous claims from the food industry, and how you can spot them.
“I was halfway through my benchpress sets when a muscular man came up and grabbed the barbell out of my hands and placed it on the rack. He told me …
Once upon a time, I used to work at a certain restaurant… that shall remain nameless. Not out of their protection, but because the experience was so awful, that I …
An extended walk-through of how to bake a chicken pot pie from scratch.
On the heels of our sugar, diabetes and Alzheimer’s discussion, is this infographic that shows you just how much sugar is in some of your favorite foods.
A hilarious compilation of clips showing how NOT to behave on a treadmill.
“my ability to see progress on the scale is in direct correlation with my ability to remain consistent…”
The 60 Minutes story on a top laboratory that creates “natural flavors” for processed food. Yum.
We’re calorie counting, but is the FDA getting in our way?
“I am so depressed and I have no motivation. I want to be sexy for my husband, well for ME, but I must LOVE food and sugar more then I …
Don’t be fooled into thinking a brand or the food company that owns it cares about you or your health.
The Beauty Shop: Losing Weight, Losing Hair – What Happens, Why it Happens, and How to Fight It
“Also, my hair is really shedding. Did you have trouble with hair loss while losing weight?”
I’m going to avoid taking the natural bait of “why would a little boy be calling a little girl who, ostensibly, looks like him… ‘ugly?’” I mean, I’m going to …
Q: I work in fast food and don’t want to quit, but I want to lose weight! Help!
Tying in the clean eating, eco-friendly link to this week’s Q&A Wednesday! Q: How can you live a clean eating lifestyle, when those around you aren’t doing the same? As …
But is a serving of boiled potatoes really much worse than a helping of nuts? Is some white bread as bad as a candy bar?
What are your experiences like in the weight room? Do you experience fear? Are you the Alpha Dog?