‘When I was pregnant with Future, one thing I learned quickly was, don’t ever let a pregnant lady be hungry – when I was, I was like the Tasmanian Devil!’
Erika Nicole Kendall
Erika Nicole Kendall
The proud leader of the #bgg2wlarmy, Erika Nicole Kendall writes food and fitness, body image and beauty, and more here at #bgg2wl. After losing over 150lbs, Kendall became a personal trainer certified in fitness nutrition, women's fitness, and weight loss by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also certified in sports nutrition by Precision Nutrition. She now lives in New York with her husband and children, and is working on her 6th and 7th certifications because she likes having alphabet soup at the end of her name.
The Best Pizza Sauce Ever
I’ve gotten in the habit of making my own pizza dough, and in my quest to make my own pizza from scratch, I went ahead and figured out a nice …
A discussion of what muscle knots are, what they aren’t, and what you can do about them when you find yourself suffering from them.
Q: Is there a way for me to figure out what is “good” weight gain vs “bad”?
Quote: I think the whole world is more open to plus-size [models] and I am sure at some point they will be ready for it,
Scratch Factory time! Make your own cashew milk and cashew pudding? Don’t mind if I do!
How do you layer for cold weather? What are your favorite cold weather pieces? In this post, I share mine!
Debunking the idea that weight loss is merely calories in vs calories out. Again. Another day ending in ‘Y.’
Q: Is it really important that I eat every 3-4 hours to keep my metabolism revved?
We’re paying upwards of $3 for a quart of water with a small amount of almonds and a large amount of filler and fake nutrients.
Man awarded $17.5k by Brazilian courts because McDonalds food made him fat?
The five questions women ask me the most regarding strength training and weight lifting, and some insight to help make you a strength training dynamo.
“After I broke up with my longtime boyfriend, I took a lot of time to understand the concept of loving myself — literally treating yourself with care.”
Author Megan Kimble shares the story of what it was like to spend an entire year ditching processed food and finding affordable ways to eat clean.
For me, the hardest thing to do was giving up some of my favorite vices. I loved mayo. Looooved fruit punch. Loooooooved ice cream floats. I’m just not someone who …
5 Reasons to Quit Processed Food That Have Nothing To Do With “Chemicals”
So — can a legitimate case be made against processed food without the “chemical” component? You betcha.
The Case Against Working Out in Waist Trainers — Or Wearing Them At All
The wearing of a garment that presses directly on your nerves in the midst of strenuous activity leads to not only nerve damage, but muscle damage…
Serena Williams is a powerful athlete, worthy of praise – instead, she is criticized for her “manliness,” accused of “doping,” and told to lose weight. Why?