Home About The Site A BGG2WL Update

A BGG2WL Update

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Alright, y’all..

I’ll be spending the weekend and the upcoming week updating and modifying the site, as well as making some much needed changes to the comments system and moderating process, here. The Clean Eating Boot Camp – which is still taking place – will convert to an e-mail system where you can sign up and receive one post each day that’ll provide tools and tips for converting to clean eating, so that you can follow along from the start instead of trying to jump in in the middle.

Y’all have built an amazing community, here. Between those who comment here, the facebookers and those who interact with me on twitter, there are thousands of people who support this site and the purpose… and I think it’s time that I start honoring and respecting that by giving y’all what you want!

So… tell me! What do you want to see here at BGG2WL? What topics do you want to see covered? What features do you want to see? What do you want to hear about? What do you want to know? Let me know what I can do to help make this site awesome, and I’ve got you covered!

In the mean time, I’ve got a few posts that I think may tide you over for today:

Q&A Wednesday: Where Do I Begin?

Q&A Wednesday: Creating Your Own Strength Training Routine

What Is Sugar Addiction?

Q&A Wednesday: When Should I Start Lifting Weights

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cjbrownsc November 26, 2010 - 9:32 PM

Hi Erika!
I love this blog and think you have done a fantastic job enlightening us on benefits of clean eating! Bravo!

I do have a few questions that I would like to see covered (if you haven’t covered then already):
1) did you already know how to cook before changing your eating habits?
2) if not, what steps did you take to become the cook that you are now? (and I know you’re a great cook because I’ve tried a few of your recipes and they have been great!)

That is my biggest hurdle in the ‘clean eating’ department – I am not a cook, but have been wanting to learn for years now.
Well let me clear that statement up – I can cook by recipe only. I can’t just go in the kitchen and put a meal together.
I know – it’s sad – but I’m willing to change all of that for my health and the health of my family.

Chanel November 27, 2010 - 9:46 AM

I Love this site! And I have turned a few folks on to it in the process. What I would really love is if you could periodically, say every 3 or 4 months, bring back the Clean Eating Challenge. I missed the first one and although I COULD and SHOULD do it on my own, there is something very motivating about doing the challenge in a group setting.

Nicole January 7, 2011 - 2:51 PM

Hi Erika, I didnt realize I had been missing the clean eating bootcamp! Ok going now to sign up for emails. Thanks!

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