Home Work It Out! Super Bowl Sunday: Watch The Game And Get In Your Workout!

Super Bowl Sunday: Watch The Game And Get In Your Workout!

by Erika Nicole Kendall

I’m not gonna even lie – I’m not doing this. I’m actually going to the gym during the Super Bowl because it’s practically a guarantee that no one will be there. What? I’m walking around doing dead lifts Buck E. Naked today, and no one will know.

Ahem, I digress.

That doesn’t mean you might not find this old chart (Super Bowl 42?) cute and useful! Use this little chart, presented to us from SparkPeople, to get in a little extra workout during the game, and you might save yourself a few calories (you might be burning off a couple, but you’re definitely saving calories by working out instead of eating!)

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DarkAugustChild February 5, 2012 - 5:10 PM

LMAO! I had the idea of going to the gym too during the Superbowl since they will have TV in there on the Game anywho but this is awesome.

Stefanie February 5, 2012 - 8:24 PM

I like that!

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