Got four questions – all sort of related – for Q&A Wednesday.
clean eating
Your ice cream might not be ice cream, baby.
So, talk to me. What are your biggest concerns, challenges and reservations about going processed-free? What can we discuss, here, to make it easier for you? Is all of this …
Dealing with sabotage from friends, co-workers… and ourselves.
Eating emotionally is about hiding from a very prominent problem in your food…
Got lots of questions about clearing up clean eating… let’s go! Q: Are there any natural alternatives to sugar? You know, I know everyone’s all gaga over truvia/purevia, but I …
My food philosophy, demystified.
What are you having difficulties with? What kinds of plans of attack can you create to get better at it?
So… you’ve still been shooting for drinking your water every hour on the hour and logging your food intake… right?
A few additional thoughts on my essay at Salon.
A welcome, and your first week of responsibilities!
Give up 80% of my successes because of the 20% that I struggled with? I don’t think so!
Bliss Point: 6 Reasons Erika Was Right About The “Science of Addictive Food”
When I saw it, I had the same reaction that many of you had. But then, I did a little dance in my chair, because I love – love – …
There’s nothing worse than knowing that once that winter frost hits, tomatoes are going to go through the roof. I mean, I love the bright sun, the warm days and …
Q: Erika, what the hell is the ‘itis?
The Comforting Side Of Food
A few words on “wanting to be taken care of” by a fast food restaurant instead of preserving one’s health by cooking at home.
A story of a teen girl who received multiple weight loss surgeries, and a reported rise in the practice.
Clearly, since I can get a bag of broccoli frozen for $2, I’m a big broccoli eater. No shame in my game! 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1/2 medium onion, chopped …
So far, we’re skipping fast food, cooking dinner every night, drinking lots of water, yadda yadda… but now?
I know I’ve said this before, and everyone jumped down my throat… but I don’t believe in the concept of “cheating.””Cheat days,” “cheat meals,” and the like? I don’t believe …