Home Clean Eating Boot Camp This Week’s Clean Eating Boot Camp Assignment: Portion Control

This Week’s Clean Eating Boot Camp Assignment: Portion Control

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Since today’s post was soooooo long, I thought it would be unfair to tack the assignment for the week on the end of it. (Just think — if it was tough for you to read…I had to write it.)

So far, we’re skipping fast food, cooking dinner every night, drinking lots of water, yadda yadda… but now?

Shrink that plate.

Oh, no. I’m serious.

A slice of my zucchini foccacia... forgot to take the picture before I started eating.

Notice my hand in the background.. showing you just how large my plate is, and showing you just how large my pizza slices were. I had maybe 4 slices… two the first time, two the second.. then I was down for the count.

When you go home and cook that lovely dinner… take a look at the size of the plate you’re grabbing. If it’s the size of a giant hubcap.. we need to have a talk.

Grab a smaller plate. Be more conscious of the food you’re putting on it.. if you’ve got less real estate on your plate, you’ve got less space to pile on the food.

If you can, grab some smaller plates from your nearest store. If not, just use a smaller size. The goal is to give yourself the experience of visualizing smaller portions and seeing whether or not you can be fulfilled from those alone.

Eat slowly, use a smaller plate, and see how often you actually go back for seconds.

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Aisha September 8, 2010 - 9:18 PM

I only eat from small plates and if I have dessert it has to be in my small ramekin. If I drink juice it’s only from the 4oz cups. These three things will be withe me forever.

Michelle of Chellbellz July 1, 2011 - 12:18 PM

This is a great tatic! I do it myself. I brought my mother these plates once and there are huge. i stopped eating on them and now only use her saucers which are a great size! Its works much better.

Michelle of Chellbellz July 1, 2011 - 12:22 PM

where is the recipe for this? It looks good, and i think i have all this stuff in my house.

Courtney July 3, 2011 - 11:10 PM

I’ve been eating from small plates for years. Took the larger sizes plates to the Good Will to get them out the house. It really does make a difference in how much you eat when measuring cups aren’t an option.

Angel July 18, 2011 - 12:21 PM

I like this idea and I try to do it, but I don’t like my food touching (picky I know), so that’s the reason for a bigger plate. I don’t fill said plate…unless it’s with veggies!

Lynn Pinner July 25, 2011 - 10:41 AM

Love the website, this is a blessings.

Lori Fitzgerald April 10, 2013 - 5:44 PM

Just wanted to say I’ve been lurking for a few weeks. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this blog and am super pumped to get onboard! I’m carrying 40 extra pounds that I allowed to settle in and have played ping-pong with for 10 years. I was fit all my life until I hit 40; then something snapped. I quit playing tennis, quit going out dancing, got into a deep, ugly depression and turned into a slug! I’m 56 now and ready to reclaim my life! Joined my local YMCA a couple of years ago; started Body Pump and Spin. Didn’t lose much weight at all and now I’m ready to confront why and GET WITH THE PROGRAM!! Gotta conquer my Emotional Eating! Wish me luck!!

kami April 11, 2013 - 7:24 AM

My goals are to get smaller plates. Hopefully this will help in portion control.

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