Home BeautyBody Image AP Highlights Risks and Dangers of Booty Injections

AP Highlights Risks and Dangers of Booty Injections

by Erika Nicole Kendall

I am so, so sad about this:

Women across the U.S. are risking their lives for black market procedures to make their buttocks bigger, often involving home-improvement materials such as silicone injected by people with no medical training.


Some want to fill out a bikini or a pair of jeans. Others believe a bigger bottom will bring them work as music video models or adult entertainers. Whatever the reason, they are seeking cheaper alternatives to plastic surgery — sometimes with deadly or disfiguring results.

Deaths from black market buttocks injections have been reported in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada and New York. An interior decorator in Mississippi faces trial in the deaths of two women who were injected at her house.

Though there is little data on the procedures or injuries they cause, doctors and authorities say they are seeing them more often. Online forums used to set up the illegal procedures have attracted thousands of responses. Some men also seek out buttocks enhancements, but the procedures are much more popular among women.

Very big buttocks have been popular in hip-hop videos for years, celebrated by songs like the 1990s hit “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-a-Lot, with lyrics declaring, “I like big butts and I cannot lie.”

But Dionne Stephens — an assistant professor of psychology at Florida International University who studies race, gender and sexuality in hip-hop culture — said celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian have the shapely body part popular among an increasing number of women of all races and ethnicities.

The problem is that some of them toss caution aside when black market procedures are the only ones they can afford.

“It is very scary that this is happening,” Stephens said.

For 46-year-old Apryl Michelle Brown, the path to a black-market injection started with people teasing her as a child about having a “pancake butt.”

Years later, a woman walked in Brown’s beauty salon in California and told her she could make her butt bigger with injections. It seemed like “divine intervention,” Brown recalls.

“It was just something I felt inside of me, that I felt would make me better. I just didn’t want the pancake booty anymore,” she said.

The following week, she was at the woman’s house getting injections and followed up later with more.

It wasn’t long before the injection sites got hard and excruciatingly painful. Brown eventually began looking for doctors to remove the material, which she learned was an industrial silicone available at a home improvement store.

After surgery in 2011, a staph infection left her near death. Both hands and feet were amputated.

Today, Brown has a website and speaks on the topic, trying to convince others that they are beautiful the way they are.

“I would never want anybody else to go through this, not even lose one finger, much less all their limbs,” she said.

Despite a lack of hard numbers, there’s anecdotal evidence that the illegal procedures are becoming more common.

[…]Investigators say a Georgia woman who died after getting injections in Mississippi in 2012 used the Internet to find someone to inject her.

First, she connected with an adult entertainer and hip hop model named Natasha Stewart, who goes by the moniker Pebbelz Da Model. The two met in New York and Gordon paid Stewart $200 for a referral, prosecutors say. Authorities say Gordon was told the injections would be performed by a trained medical professional.

In March 2012, Gordon drove with a friend from Atlanta to Jackson, Miss., to the home of 53-year-old Tracey Lynn Garner, also known as Morris Garner, a floral and interior decorator with no medical training. The cost was $1,500. Early in the case, authorities referred to Garner as a man, but her attorney says she had surgery to change gender.

Gordon died of blood clots in her lungs a few days later. There was so much of a “silicone-like” substance in her buttocks that it spilled onto the floor and “all over the place” when a medical examiner cut into her during the autopsy, according to an investigator’s testimony from September.

Garner and Stewart, 40, are currently charged in Hinds County, Miss., with depraved-heart murder. They have pleaded not guilty. They are scheduled for trial next year.

A gag order in the case prohibits attorneys from commenting.

Garner was later charged in the 2010 death of an Alabama woman and also pleaded not guilty to that charge.

Authorities haven’t said what substance Garner used, though industrial silicone has been used in other cases.

Dr. John Martin, a plastic surgeon in Coral Gables, Fla., said illicit cosmetic procedures have become common. Sometimes multiple people are injected in hotel rooms in “pumping parties.”

Some people have silicone injected in their faces, where it can cause protruding, rock-hard nodules, but it’s easier to treat than the large amounts injected into the buttocks. It’s so difficult to remove very large amounts of silicone from the buttocks that many doctors, including Martin, won’t even try.

“When you put in a large amount of silicone, it can drift. If I fill your butt with this huge amount of silicone, it can run down your leg and you have to get your leg amputated,” Martin said.

It can also cause infections and blood clots. If the needles hit a blood vessel, the silicone can enter the blood stream and work its way to the lungs, Martin said.

Doctors won’t perform buttocks injections, but they do offer lifts and buttocks implants. Doctors performed more than 3,700 of those legal procedures last year, generating more than $17 million, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The average fee for a legal buttocks implant is $4,670, according the organization.

In a Florida criminal case, Shatarka Nuby paid $2,000 for injections at people’s homes, according to police reports.

Nuby died on March 17, 2012, while serving a prison sentence for using fraudulent credit cards, including for professionally done breast implants.

She had gotten the illegal buttocks injection numerous times from 2007 to 2011, authorities say, and died from acute and chronic respiratory failure from the silicone.

Oneal Ron Morris — who was born a man, identifies as a woman, and goes by the name of Duchess — is charged with Nuby’s death. Nuby’s aunt told investigators that she watched some of the injections. Morris’ lawyer didn’t respond to a message.

Morris told Nuby’s aunt at one time that she was using silicone from Home Depot, according to a police affidavit that charged Morris with manslaughter in July 2012.

The aunt said she could “see the butt rise” when the substance was injected. It was sealed with cotton balls and superglue.

Morris, according to the affidavit, assured the women “that the substances she was injecting into Shatarka Nuby would not hurt her.”

Just gonna highlight a few things, and then I’m gonna go, because I’m still attempting to make heads or tails of all this:

Years later, a woman walked in Brown’s beauty salon in California and told her she could make her butt bigger with injections. It seemed like “divine intervention,” Brown recalls.

“It was just something I felt inside of me, that I felt would make me better. I just didn’t want the pancake booty anymore,” she said.

The following week, she was at the woman’s house getting injections and followed up later with more.

Dawg, my heart is aching. Where is this message coming from, that a booty will make you better?

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not judging, and don’t mistake my inability to understand with some kind of moral high ground. I write about body image from a position of understanding, but for me, this is foreign. I’ve asked this before, and I’m asking again – what is going on?

First, she connected with an adult entertainer and hip hop model named Natasha Stewart, who goes by the moniker Pebbelz Da Model. The two met in New York and Gordon paid Stewart $200 for a referral, prosecutors say. Authorities say Gordon was told the injections would be performed by a trained medical professional.

In March 2012, Gordon drove with a friend from Atlanta to Jackson, Miss., to the home of 53-year-old Tracey Lynn Garner, also known as Morris Garner, a floral and interior decorator with no medical training. […]

Gordon died of blood clots in her lungs a few days later.There was so much of a “silicone-like” substance in her buttocks that it spilled onto the floor and “all over the place” when a medical examiner cut into her during the autopsy, according to an investigator’s testimony from September.

1) I’ve written about Pebbelz before, bless her dumb ass heart. She was making money off of referring people to the injector?

2) She died days later. Not years, not months. DAYS. Do you know how fast that stuff has to be moving throughout your system in order for that to happen?

Some people have silicone injected in their faces, where it can cause protruding, rock-hard nodules, but it’s easier to treat than the large amounts injected into the buttocks. It’s so difficult to remove very large amounts of silicone from the buttocks that many doctors, including Martin, won’t even try.

“When you put in a large amount of silicone, it can drift. If I fill your butt with this huge amount of silicone, it can run down your leg and you have to get your leg amputated,” Martin said.

It can also cause infections and blood clots. If the needles hit a blood vessel, the silicone can enter the blood stream and work its way to the lungs, Martin said.

Listen. Here’s what I want to know:

1) What’s it going to take for us – and, by us, I mean “those of us who are attached to big, jiggly giant stripper booties” – to detach ourselves from something that very well may not be for us?

2) What compels us to waive the risk of actual loss of limb and life for this?

3) Take a long, hard look at this message board thread. (Be sure to mute your viewing device – laptop, desktop computer – and be careful, as the top photo is not safe for work.) The photo they’re discussing is of a woman who had booty injections, lipo and a tummy tuck. They’re still dissing on her. Surely, this isn’t what we’re dealing with out in the real world, right?


I want you guys to answer like only you can. I don’t care if everyone needs anonymous accounts. I’m not judging, and no one who matters is judging, either. Can we, seriously, get to the root of this?

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Carmen August 29, 2013 - 1:54 PM

This story is interesting to me for a few reasons. The standout one is the fact that I have a big butt. No, really I do. I always have had one even as a kid before I started wearing size 20 clothes. However, growing up my family always made me feel ashamed of my butt especially since I was the ONLY one who had any junk in the trunk. My parents made me wear clothes that were bigger than my size because anything else would bring attention to my butt. They felt that showing any of the curve of my butt was obscene and I remember many times my father would make my mom return clothes of mine that showed off my butt. As a teenager my sister would tell me guys were hitting on me only because I had a big butt. It wasn’t until I moved out at 21 that I realized that Black dudes LOVE a big butt and I slowly learned that it wasn’t obscene to wear fitted clothes that would show my curves. Even now I still wish in my heart that my butt was smaller and it is the LAST thing that loses even a centimeter when I lose weight.
I know my story is a little off topic because I supposedly have the “blessed booty” but I wanted to share the other side of the story. I think it’s interesting how many of the people who were giving the booty injections are NOT even real women-they are males! That is a deep issue right there that could be discussed in a whole other article…
To me this pandemic is just indicative of what’s going on in many areas. Honestly, if I had a couple of grand that didn’t have a specific bill to pay and someone told me they could give me a flat stomach for less then I KNOW I would consider it. Even after reading about so many women who have died or gotten hurt from backroom procedures I would consider it because I want a flat stomach, always have, probably always will and diet and exercise is just taking too darn long. That’s exactly how many women feel who get these procedures and some of them feel like they would never be able to get (take your pick): long hair, a cute nose, light skin, light eyes, long eyelashes, tight body, white teeth, a big butt, a smaller butt, big/smaller boobs, etc. without medical intervention. Consciously we know we should accept and love ourselves the way we are but that is much easier said than done. And it can be the same woman who will be the 1st to say she know she look good that is saving up to go under the knife.

Leen August 30, 2013 - 12:23 AM

I hate to use the word stupid… so I’ll say naive. I just can’t comprehend a person letting a stranger inject some unknown product in their body!!! I don’t eat folks food at company potlucks because I don’t know what’s in the food or if they prepped it in a clean environment. FOOD!! I’m that cautious with food – something that stays in my body for a few days. Why someone would NOT exercise the same standards for something that will permanently stay in their body, I just can’t fathom!! So sad that self esteem for some is based on appearance and that joy can’t be found in being intelligent or having a skill or talent. I’m still shaking my head…

Alana August 30, 2013 - 1:25 AM

Our body is part of our identity. (She’s that girl with the buck teeth. The Beaver teeth. The rabbit teeth.) When I was fourteen, I asked for braces. I was told I was being vain. When I was sixteen, I had an orthodontist write a letter to my father to tell him that the teeth were so far out of alignment that they could cause me jaw problems. Finally, when it was a medical issue (though Dad did point out to me that vanity was still to blame because the dislocation only occurred because I was thrusting my lower jaw forward so I could keep my mouth closed). So, in the end, I did get braces (at 17) and I paid for half.

It is culturally more acceptable to get braces these days in order to correct an overbite–and my Dad had a point. I wanted them just so I would look better, be more attractive, and not be the start of someone’s cruel joke, or a sidelong look.

People are judged by their appearance. We judge ourselves by our appearance. When it deviates from whatever is “acceptable” we are deviants.

I don’t know. I’m guessing. But I remember the intense pain I felt for years and years being different, being ugly, being “other.”

My heart aches for anyone who feels this way–and thinks that that pain can be “fixed” with a procedure, black market or otherwise. Did they know the risks of what they were doing? Did they have a clue about what was going to happen, what could happen? I tend to think that the pain of feeling “less than” or “other than” or whatever must go beyond all sense.

This is incredibly disturbing.

Kami August 30, 2013 - 9:30 AM

I cant see the picture.

antalya September 4, 2013 - 3:41 PM

Woah!!! Dis iz crazy….. Bt i must say i luv ur website…. Fr da first time in my life i hv appreciated my big booty…. I always felt ashamed b4…. Bt i guess if ppl r killin dm selved fr dis dn i m trully blessed!!

Neshie October 21, 2013 - 10:16 AM

I understand the desire to have a bigger butt. I really, really do. It’s hard when your body does not meet the standards of your community. I’m plus sized (a size 16) and I have HUGE boobs (we’re talking an F cup and that’s post reduction), but no butt or hips. My mother pokes fun at me all of the time because of this.. She’s got a big butt so she’s constantly making comments like “I don’t know what happened to yours”. I’m not really insecure about my weight, I’ve never had a problem getting or keeping a man so I don’t have fat girl issues all like that.. but my butt is a sensitive subject. Honestly, that’s probably the only negative thing that a person could say to me about my body that would hurt my feelings. That being said, I don’t know what would posses a person to let some random person that they don’t know inject stuff into you in their darn kitchen. That just sounds all bad from beginning to end. I wouldn’t even let someone pierce my ear in their KITCHEN! If you’re going to do it, save your pennies and get it done correctly by a DOCTOR, not some shady queen in someone’s darn kitchen.

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