Home Q&A Wednesday Q&A Thursday: How Can We Support BGG2WL?

Q&A Thursday: How Can We Support BGG2WL?

by Erika Nicole Kendall

I’ve received an enormous amount of love and support from everyone regarding the site being down yesterday, and I’ve got to say… I was surprised. I didn’t know so many of y’all had love for the site like that. Really, I’m humbled by the community that’s gathered around healthy living, wellness and [ultimately] weight loss.

But y’all are, in fact, killing my hosting company… causing them to, in turn, kill me!

I’m turning to y’all because I need to upgrade the site’s hosting to a new company so that whenever we get another gigantic addition to the family (thanks to Yahoo!, Essence, Woman’s Day and goodness knows what else), it doesn’t shortchange those of you who come in every day.

And I don’t expect gigantic donations, either – every dollar makes a difference. Seriously. I’m talking to a company I’ve always had my heart set on working with, and we’re going for the best option for the site… it just doesn’t come at a minor-league price.

So… if this site has ever proved to be useful to you and if you want to support BGG2WL, there’s now a “Donation” page that readers can visit if they want to make a donation of any amount. If you’re not ready for that? Visit my sponsors and check out what they have to offer. That contributes, as well.

That being said, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that BGG2WL remains just as strong as it’s always been… and anyone who wants to help? Now you’ve got options.

I’ve got more questions to answer, so let me get on that…

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Tasha July 10, 2011 - 1:47 AM

I know it’s not much but I did donate. I think your site is amazing and very helpful..when your monthly meal plan comes out I will buy that as well.

Congratulations for all your success!

TLS July 28, 2011 - 1:43 PM

I sent you an emai too. Made my donation. You do such a great service that I want to do what I can to support the site and you. You site has been a god send. Continued success!

Kami November 1, 2013 - 10:47 AM

I will be donating soon love your site,

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