Did you know African-American women have a higher incidence rate of breast cancer before age 40?
Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, accounting for almost 30% of newly diagnosed cancers?
Did you know that in 2013, 32% of Saint Agnes Hospital’s breast cancer patients were African American?
Did you know that African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer at all ages?
No? Well, that’s why I’m partnering with Saint Agnes Hospital of Baltimore, Maryland to help you understand the challenges we’re up against when it comes to breast cancer, and what it’s going to take to protect ourselves and support our loved ones through the trying experience of overcoming this disease.
And what spreads the word better than a giveaway?
The Comprehensive Breast Center at Saint Agnes presents highly recognized physicians at the forefromt of advanced techniques, equipment, and clinical trials. The team is a trailblazer in breast cancer treatment. Saint Agnes Hospital is one of the first in the state of Maryland to implement a multi-disciplinary team approach to breast cancer treatment, bringing together a variety of specialists to create one comprehensive plan under one roof. The first center in Maryland to use Tomotherapy radiation technology, Saint Agnes provides greater precision over older techniques where radiation would encompass the entire tumor but result in significantly more radiation to surrounding organs.
As one of the first hospitals nationwide to be fully accredited by the National Accreditation Program of Breast Centers, Saint Agnes is the first and only breast center in Maryland to use Accuboost technology, providing a safer and more effective radiation option for their patients.
To spread the word about Saint Agnes’ commitment to breast cancer prevention and care, they are giving away an amazing Vitamix 5200!
Saint Agnes wants you to know how to catch any concerns early on:
- Ages 20-34: administer breast self-examinations monthly, and get a physical exam by a trained pro every 3 years
- Ages 35-39: Monthly self-examinations, physical exam every three years, and a mammogram for reference
- Ages 40+: Monthly self-exams, professional exam yearly, and a mammogram yearly
- Have family history of breast cancer? Get a mammogram every six months!
And, to help you help us spread the word…. use the following options to enter into the giveaway!
Entries close October 17st, 2014 at 8AM EDT, and the winner will be awarded that afternoon! Good luck!
Since August of last year, I have been getting mammograms every 3-6 months to check on some spots that have appeared on my films. My next diagnostic is on the 25th, and my fervent prayer is that it will prove not to be anything other than benign calcium deposits; however, I take comfort in knowing that friends from high school and college have beaten this disease, and I lace up regularly to race and raise money to find a cure and preventative treatments.
Actually, this is the first time I’m sharing any of this beyond my medical team and two others. I’ve been working on getting regular exercise and eating clean to help improve my chances of avoiding cancer. No matter what, though, I intend to live…and to thrive regardless.
One of my co-workers was just told that her breast cancer is finally gone. I supported her by a giving her my extra freezer so she could stock up on healthy food before her chemo. She is amazing!
When my 2nd Mom (best friend’s Mom) was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I took off of work when she went through her double Mastectomy for morale support. I did her hair when she didn’t like what the chemo was doing to it. Drove her to appointments, when my bestie was unable too. Just there to talk, listen and nurse her back to health. I am happy to say it has been two years and she is breast cancer free.
My mother found a lump in her breast when I was young. I remember how scared all of us were. Luckily she had it removed and it was found benign, but ever since then, I’ve made an effort to donate to all the cancer foundations when possible and participate in a few walks.
My best friend has breast cancer and a recurrence 6 years later. She’s fine now but both times were scary. She was fortunate enough to gave good insurance and enough money to get really good care. I just made myself available foe whatever’ she needed. A right to the store, a meal, a chat. Whatever it was I tried my best to be available.
I’ve never personally had breast cancer but I saw my great grandmother went through it. I was there with her to support her through the hard times just spending time reading and laying with her.
Breast cancer runs in my family. My mother and her sisters have each had tumors removed. My first experience with it, I was still in the womb- my mother had a lumpectomy done under local anesthesia while she was pregnant with me. She said she wanted to nurse me, so she wanted that tumor out of there before I got here. Her second lumpectomy was when I was 9 or 10. Both times the nature of the tumor was “borderline”, but technically, she’s been in remission for my entire life. My parents minimized the situation because my sister and I were so young and they didn’t want to frighten us, so we didn’t discuss it much until I became an adult. Now, as a black woman with Southern roots, I’ve got a genetic predispostion to just about all of the top ten causes of death in the US. What I’m grateful for is that my family communicates our history, so that I am well aware of the risks I face and can try to live my life in a way that minimizes them, and so that I can take the appropriate testing measures to catch things early. Some women may have no idea that their mother had he first brush with breast cancer at 32, and not get serious about testing until they’re 40+. I am very grateful for my mother’s candor, and that she’s still here for me to reassure, after all these years. It seems odd, soothing her fears about something that happened while I was a child, but years later she still had concerns about how she handled it when it came to us. I guess the way I support her is by telling her she did an amazing job 🙂
Barbells for Boobs. KNowhutahmsayin’? Have supported this program for four years, I think it’s extremely vital to be able to see where your money goes, not just into some big pink pit.
I’ve really tried to encourage those in my life who’ve had breast cancer, mostly just one friend but it seems like I’m one degree removed from many folks who have had breast cancer, to really focus on themselves and pursue their health and well being.
My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. However, because it was detected early, she was able to fight and win! I will be forever proud of her and will always advocate for screenings and self-examinations! Early detection saves lives!
Have supported too many of my friends through this journey. All but one has made it. We will never forget our Sally.
I am lucky that no one in my family has had breast cancer, but I have a couple significant teachers who have passed from this disease.
I’ve had two aunts die from breast cancer. #F***Cancer
My mother’s was cervical cancer. She fought,doing every treatment available, for about 10 years. Now,my DIL is dealing with melanoma. She is having trouble keeping her weight and energy up.I think this mixer would be a great gift for her.
I am fortunate that no one in my family has had to deal with breast cancer, though I lost my little sister to another type of cancer. Several years ago, a young woman who I trained for her first marathon went through treatment for breast cancer. She was only 32, which can give one pause and make us realize that it can affect us at any age. I’m happy to say that she is now cancer free, healthy, and back training with me.
I have supported several woman over the years in my hometown Jacksonville, FL for the 26.2 with Donna breast cancer run. Although I haven’t had any close friends or relatives directly affected by breast cancer, it does run in my family on my dad’s side and so it’s very important for me to support this cause and look out for my own breast health.
My mother in law is a breast cancer survivor. It’s so hard to watch someone that you love go through so much pain but we are so grateful to still have her with us today!
I’ve lost more than enough loved ones from this terrible disease and I support it any and every way I can. I have participated in marathons and given away free haircuts to raise money for the cause. I have help host charity evens and given towards the fund raising. I buy many pink items that donate to #BreastCancerAwareness. Thank you so much!
As I was pregnant with my daughter, my mom fought breast cancer.. and beat it!
My grandmother on my mothers side died of breast cancer. It was so sad watching her suffer and pass. I donate and walk for the cure every year to show support for others.
I’ve supported 1 family member and several friends through breast cancer — It’s so important to keep get the word out for early detection!
I actually have not known anyone who has gone through breast cancer. I have although donated as much as I could to the awareness.
Last year my husband had breast cancer, he had to have a mastectomy and chemo. It was a very scary and hard time in our lives as all our savings depleted paying hospital bills, however he is a survivor and I am very thankful for that! 6 months after his diagnosis my sister found out she also had breast cancer she was able to have a lumpectomy and radiation, she too is a survivor we are truly blessed!
Over a decade ago, I trained and ran my first race the Susan B Coleman for my fellow Mentor and teacher who was a survivor. Because of her lifestyle I ended up being a vegetarian for years and also this first race lead me into endurance training for marathons and triathlons. Because of her lifestyle and standing firm in being a survivor it caused me to help encourage others to take preventative measures in living a healthy lifestyle and remove barriers from stopping them.
My grandmother had breast cancer when i was young. It makes me vigilant to be sure I check. Im sick now with other things so that makes me even more aware of my body.
My aunt was very quiet regarding the disease and maintained a vigilant spirit which relied upon faith, medical treatment, and diet improvement as her artillery. She emphasized overcoming rather than definition and remains committed to the celebration of a life well lived, irrespective of cancer’s presence.
My grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer 15 years ago and is still living!
My best friend’s mom had breast cancer and shes a survivor. I do the walk every may to support her and others who are affected by it.
Finding suspicions of a lump on your birthday is never an experience to desire. Thankfully, nothing was the matter, but since then, I have certainly become pro-active about educating myself more – especially as a public health professional – and keeping breast-health conversations going with my friends and sisters.
my aunt had breast cancer twice and another aunt had it once, plus my moms college roommate lost her battle to it the second time around last summer, I donated my hair to locks of love and my aunt runs a nonprofit wig exchange. They lit Times Square Pink!!
My aunt passed away after a long battle of breast cancer. Although I was young and have few memories, I did enjoy every moment with her and her vibrant personality lives on through my memories.
I helped my Mother in law when she was diagnosed with breast cancer
My mom is a breast cancer survivor.
My Aunt (My Mom’s little sister) has fought and won against Breast Cancer twice now in the last 5-6 years. I have watched her go through every step and pray she has beaten it once and for all.
I don’t know anyone directly affected by breast cancer, but if I did I wouldn’t focus on the disease, but focus on helping them take their mind off of cancer. They are not their disease, however people never really know what to say.
I lost one of my dearest sorors to what started out as breast cancer
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