Home Clean Eating Boot Camp 2013 Clean Eating Boot Camp: Tomato Lovers Edition Step 21

Clean Eating Boot Camp: Tomato Lovers Edition Step 21

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Note: You can sign up for the Clean Eating Boot Camp here, completely free!

Did you make your pizza yet? Why not? Go explore!

Tomatillo tortilla soup, with fresh corn tortillas!

Tomatillo tortilla soup, with fresh corn tortillas!

Did you make your sodapop yet? Why not?

…because you haven’t given us the recipe yet, duh.

Oh. My bad. Let me get on that.

Your mission this week, should you choose to accept it, is to buy one of the following:

  • green tomatoes
  • red tomatoes (preferably not roma, but we can make magic happen with those, too!)
  • tomatillos

…and hang tight!

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rockelle June 6, 2013 - 12:03 AM

Always leaving me in suspense. Lol!

Dawn September 2, 2013 - 1:17 AM

I love your idea of a “scale-free summer” and I sincerely appreciate the HIIT info graphic. Both concepts have served me well over the past few months. On May 21, my doctors’ office scale showed I was 1/2 pound shy of my “I will NEVER let myself weigh THAT much” weight. With my follow up appointment scheduled for August 1, I vowed not to weigh myself before then. I knew what I needed to do and did not want to be discouraged by fluctuations or a plateau. I started walking and eating clean. About 5 weeks in, a girlfriend invited me to a Cross Fit class at our local park. With spurts of high intensity, it was the TOUGHEST workout I had ever done. But I went back, at first because my pal was expecting me, then because the trainer offered a free t-shirt to anyone who completed 10 classes then he posed a body-fat challenge to earn free sessions. I PUSHED myself through those classes 3/week when it was 95 degrees and 90% humidity.
By my scheduled weigh-in, I had lowered my total body weight by 10% and reduced my BMI from 33 to 27.
With 12 weeks until my next weigh-in, I hope to have lost another 6 pounds despite building more lean muscle -so I will look more toned and burn more calories even when I am not working out.
I will continue to look to your site for inspiration.

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