Home Celeb Watch Rapper, Fat Joe, Loses 100lbs: “Scale Couldn’t Even Measure My Weight”

Rapper, Fat Joe, Loses 100lbs: “Scale Couldn’t Even Measure My Weight”

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Lean back, baby!

Rapper FAT JOE has no idea how much he weighed at the height of his health woes because no scale was big enough to read his poundage. The Lean Back hitmaker earned his stage name from his portly frame, but he is now showing off a slimmer figure after adopting a strict new diet and exercise regime earlier this year (11). Fat Joe has since shed over 100 pounds (45 kilograms) – but the hip-hop star confesses he has no idea how out of control his weight had become. He tells WENN, “The scale wasn’t big enough. I would say (I was) 400 pounds (181 kilograms). If not 400, close to 400.” The 41 year old, who previously admitted he was scared into the drastic image overhaul after seven of his friends suffered fatal heart attacks in their 30s, now weighs in at 260 pounds (117.9 kilograms) and insists he’s quite happy sticking to his new healthy-eating plan. He says, “I don’t find it hard (to diet). I’m addicted to food and I love to eat, but I don’t find it hard at all… It’s like a crackhead; a crackhead just hits rock bottom and they realise they don’t wanna smoke crack no more (sic), you know what I’m saying? So I just said to myself, ‘I don’t wanna be overweight no more (sic), I don’t wanna be outta shape, I don’t wanna be at risk of passing away and stuff like that so I gotta do the right thing.'” And the rapper is convinced others battling weight issues can succeed too – they just have to start slow. He adds, “I’m Fat Joe, you can’t tell me that it’s too hard. Can’t nobody (sic) tell me it’s too hard. I’m Fat Joe, the king of food. The self-proclaimed king! If I can do it, anybody can do it. “Be more active. I would say just walk. If you’re a heavyset person, you’re not gonna be able to jump or run around or do crazy stuff, so just walk… for 20 minutes, 30 minutes with your headphones on, get your little walk on, walk with your friends and that’s it. Thirty minutes. Try your best to stay away from the rice, the bread, the pasta, because that’s not our friend.”

We might have to start calling him “Fit Joe” if he keeps this up! I take issue with his “food addict” comments, but love everything else about this. Here’s to being healthier, dude. I’ll raise my glass [of water] to that any day.

Side note: He’s 41?!

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Jewel November 4, 2011 - 9:11 AM

I raise my glass of water to him too 🙂
Hopefully it will inspire others 🙂

Eliza November 4, 2011 - 9:17 AM

Don’t worry boo, you’ll always be “Fat Joe” to me! I’m glad that he’s made a conscious decision to get healthy! Keep doing your thing!!!

cosmicsistren November 4, 2011 - 9:44 AM

Why do you take issue with Fat Joe calling himself a food addict?

Tachae November 4, 2011 - 10:50 AM

I think she has a problem with him making it seem like, as a food addict, you can just wake up and change. For him….maybe, for others no…so he shouldn’t say it’s not hard, but that it wasn’t hard for him.

milaxx November 5, 2011 - 7:09 PM

I don’t mind people calling themselves food addicts. when you eat processed foods, the salt/sugar/preservatives in them can create a sort of addictive reaction to them, so in a sense he was an addict.

I’m am however, extremely happy to hear he is now eating better and taking care of himself. Good for Joe.

Stefanie November 4, 2011 - 10:53 AM

He’s always been an attractive man – nice looking face. The weight loss shows his attractiveness (?) even more. Congrats to Fat Joe.

Chaosbutterfly November 4, 2011 - 2:32 PM

He looks really good, and I’m sure he feels better.
Good for him.

I also can’t believe he’s 41.

BFly February 28, 2012 - 5:21 PM

I have the same question as ‘cosmicsistren’: Why DO you take issue with Fat Joe’s food addict comment?

I can totally relate to him in that I have realized, by using food as my comforter, savior, friend and lover, I became an addict. I am addicted to food; it is my drug, it’s usually the first thing I think about in the morning and the last I think about at night; it’s what makes me feel good when I’m feeling bad or makes me feel even better when I’m already feeling good. Same thing a drug addict does with drugs….isn’t it?

LaiLai April 16, 2012 - 10:09 PM

Looking at everyone getting fit, its such an inspiration to me…I can’t wait to see the changes in my body! Thank you for this blog!!!

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