Q: Is it really important that I eat every 3-4 hours to keep my metabolism revved?
Q&A Wednesday
Q: My friend bought these weight loss pills from this lady with no label, and now her throat’s swelling shut. Help!
Q: I was talking to a man in the gym who said that he’d lost 29lbs using a sauna suit, but…
Q&A Wednesday: All About Cravings – Pregnancy, Hormonal, Emotional – and How to Fight Them
Q: Did you have any unhealthy pregnancy cravings you had to deny yourself??
Q: I’m heavy and its appears because I’m heavy I can’t do squats. Please tell me how to get started…
Q: Do you have any tips about healthy cooking when you live with other people or have a family to take care of?
Q: Hey Erika, I’ve seen people at my gym using foam rollers all over the place. What exactly is their primary function? Is it stretching?
Q: can you suggest any leg strengthening exercises that won’t hurt my knees? Any suggestions (other than lose weight) on how to save/strengthen my knees?
Q: I’m ashamed to show my legs because of cellulite. When my bf and I are out and he sees ladies in shorts and skirts, he asks when will I …
Q: What’s your take on weighing yourself daily?
Q: Despite having this acceptance and new found confidence, how do you overcome rejection?
Q: I’m pretty sure it’s there, just need some guidance on the ramifications of alcoholic beverages on your diet (caloric intake)?
Hi Erika! Question- what should I look for in a trainer? There’s so many options in Chicago and I’m a lil’ overwhelmed.
Q: Erika, I have to admit, I am miserable! I hate this! Can I have my social life back? Or does this ever become fun?
Q: Hey Erika, do you have any tips for people who have unbalanced body shapes?
Today, R asks, “How can I start?”
Q: I should be able to get to and maintain a healthy weight without all the exercising shenanigans. Right? My answer, inside.
“I was halfway through my benchpress sets when a muscular man came up and grabbed the barbell out of my hands and placed it on the rack. He told me …
“I am so depressed and I have no motivation. I want to be sexy for my husband, well for ME, but I must LOVE food and sugar more then I …