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The Meal Plan Reviews Are Coming In! Get Your Copy Now!

by Erika Nicole Kendall

T.R. said:

BTW been using your first plan this week. And yes I’ve lost weight but won’t dwell on that. :O) The real coup for me is that I read your recipes and thought, “I don’t do this in my food or that”and “I won’t like that and I’ll modify”…blah blah blah. :O) But last week I decided I’ll just do your recipes as is and low and behold have loved everything so far. My favorite so far is the Rosemary Chicken and the subsequent chicken salad… both were delicious and “I don’t even like fruit” in my chicken salad…LOL. Tonight is the chicken wings and I even went out and got pork chops, which I haven’t eaten in YEARS. So thank you. I stepped out and tried something different and realized I really liked it. The Rosemary Chicken and chicken salad are staying in my arsenal. Next week I’ll do the vegetarian menu.

On the FB page, Latasha said,

Been following the food plan since Wed and I have lost 4lbs as of this morning! I haven’t been hungry at all!! In fact, I thought I was eating too much. I am loving this!

Sheena said:
Started @bgg2wl’s meal plan last week… Lost 9lbs. #happybathroomdance
Toya said:

yummy recipes. the roasted chicken was so simple, but absolutely delicious, and the chicken salad…perfection!

Chastity said,

A friend bought the plan for me to try as I prepare for my wedding & as I am trying to be healthier.  I am already down 3 pounds (I started Monday).  All the recipes, so far, are ridiculously good! And you have taken all the work out of shopping and preparing dinner.  I LOVE IT!  I a fa(t)shion blogger, but I do and always have known the importance of being healthy.  I def. will be purchasing next week’s meal plan!  Thanks for putting this out there!

…what will YOU say? Check out the vegetarian plan or the original plan today!

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Tasha July 13, 2011 - 8:23 AM

I love your recipes..although I don’t ever cook at all..I am going to try.
I would love your queso dip recipe..please!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Emily August 15, 2011 - 1:37 PM

Hi Erika,

I bought your first meal plan, but didn’t use it. Then I saw the budgetarian one and because I am as cheap as you say you are, probably more, I got it and started to use it last Monday. First of all I have to say that I already had about 95% of what was on the shopping list so it only cost me about 25 extra dollars in my food budget to get what I needed. I am the only one in my family eating on your plan b/c of restrictive diets due to medical conditions. I too looked it over and was kind of like “I don’t think I’ll like this or that.” but I took the plunge, followed faithfully and today 7 days later, I am 7 lbs lighter. I feel much better internally and mentally sharper. I used to have to take up to 8 laxatives a week and again you were right when you said that for every meal you eat, you should be disposing of the remnants of the last one. I only got to make 4 recipes, because I have so much food left over, but the tomato paella is my favorite thus far. Thank you. This was not half as hard as I thought it would be.

Marni January 17, 2013 - 2:01 PM

The rosemary roasted chicken was the first dish I made from the meal plan. I think that was the best baked chicken I’ve ever had. Seriously. I’m looking forward to making your other recipes. Food that is good AND be healthy will definitely help me stay on track. Thanks Erika!

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