There’s a mad dash to influence Black people’s thinking on COVID-19 and the vaccine. And it’s not Black people behind it.
The COVID Crisis
Rich white guys are making money through creating vaccine disinformation campaigns. They’re targeting our community the hardest.
Health and Health CareSocial ConstructThe COVID CrisisThe Op-Eds
It is time to start firing racists. Start with Dr. Susan Moore’s doctor.
If medicine is solely going to be about the money, then it’s time people start losing their money when they commit injustices against Black people.
Health and Health CareSocial ConstructThe COVID Crisis
Hell naw, Black people don’t trust the vaccine. But here’s how you fix that.
Medical science has an abysmal track record with Black America. There simply isn’t any other way to put it. There’s the time when scientists deliberately watched Black men with syphilis …
A couple of weeks ago, a popular Instagram account referenced me as a “body positive” woman of color. I very politely thanked them for the inclusion, and snuck back into …
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