Are you a couch potato? I was, too! The best thing you could do is go for a walk, and here’s why.
“I am so depressed and I have no motivation. I want to be sexy for my husband, well for ME, but I must LOVE food and sugar more then I …
Five reasons to make that workout happen in the AM!
If you’ve ever doubted the value of a good walk…
“You take a wide stance with your legs turned out at 10 and 2 so your hips are externally rotated,” she said.
A question that people often ask me is whether I prefer to work out in the morning or at night. I’ve often quipped that they should just “saddle up and …
It’s just ten minutes, right? But what’s the value of ten minutes?
Q: I don’t know when to incorporate the weights. At what point in the weight loss do you start weights?
Blogging While Black: On Having An Accidentally Controversial Blog Title
A minor rant about the “A White Girl’s Guide To Weight Loss” comments I’m getting…
The Beauty Shop: How Does Your Job and Dating Life Affect How You Wear Your Hair?
“Beauty is pain,” but “beauty isn’t sweat.” Women are supposed to sit still and be pretty, like trophies, or porcelain dolls or something.
An in-depth look at airbrushed and retouched photos.
Are YOU Ready to Have a #ScaleFreeSummer? Join Me! If Not, Join Me Anyway!
Are YOU ready to enjoy a #ScaleFreeSummer?
What we rarely hear about, though, is how 70% of Black men, age 20 or over, are currently overweight. When it comes to high blood pressure, men have the ladies …
In the 2002 book Athlete, photographer Howard Schatz takes a photo set of over 125 athletes…