Home Cook It Yourself Taco Salad Remix

Taco Salad Remix

by Erika Nicole Kendall

1 cup chopped iceberg lettuce

1 diced roma tomato

1 cup ground turkey

1/2 cup basmati rice (cooked)

1/4 diced onion

1 taco shell

1/2 cup salsa

1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper

1 teaspoon chili powder

1/2 teaspoon cilantro

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1/4 teaspoon coriander

a pinch of salt

Pre-heat oven at 300 degrees. Cook your rice (1 cup water, 1/2 cup rice.) Brown your ground turkey. Once no longer pink, mix in lemon pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, onions and coriander. Put taco shell in oven for 5 minutes. Once rice is finished, take an ice cream scoop and make two scoops of rice in the center of your plate. Take diced lettuce, and put it on top of the rice. Next, add turkey, tomatoes and cilantro to top it off. Break taco shell into triangular pieces, and stick in the side of the rice. Add your salsa to the top of the pile. Sprinkle the pinch of salt across the top of the dish. Ta da!

This way, I get my little bit of meat, my “full” feeling, and my full taco salad enjoyment without all the extra calories from the big giant taco shell, the creamy dressings or the heavy oils. Give it a shot!

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Destnd2prosper April 16, 2010 - 9:51 AM

I love ground turkey taco salads. I would like to add a little something I love with my salads. #1 I add cumin mmmmm makes it taste so good. #2 with those tomatoes I cut up white onions,green onions, minced garlic, cilantro and make some good homemade salsa adding a pinch of salt, pepper, lime juice and McCormick garlic powder (it makes your food taste sooooooo good) I also love the success boil in a bag brown rice (it’s so good my 13 loves it). Please keep the ideas coming I love to cook and getting new ideas can only make staying healthy that much easier.

A Black girl who’s using this guide for weightloss!!!!

Erika April 16, 2010 - 11:14 AM

Yes! I have my own mango and red pepper salsa that I made… I just haven’t posted that recipe, yet. Trying to figure out how to add a recipe a day and still get work done over here, LOL!

Shannon January 20, 2011 - 12:14 AM

You have some really Great recipes!! I’m definitely trying to eat better. I just hope my family (hubby and daughter) will come along for the ride!

Andrea June 17, 2011 - 10:36 PM

why would you use iceberg lettuce (w/ no nutritional value) instead of romaine lettuce which is much tastier?

Erika Nicole Kendall June 17, 2011 - 10:47 PM

1) Iceberg lettuce does not “have no nutritional value.” It may not have what other leafy greens has to offer, but “no nutritional value” is an unnecessary stretch.

2) It’s what you CAN use. You can use red leaf, green leaf, romaine, butter/boston or anything else.

3) “Tastier” is a preference. I, personally, wouldn’t use romaine in this recipe and find that iceberg worked for me. If you find that it works better for you though, awesome.

Marissa payne June 27, 2011 - 8:26 PM

I loved this recipe! Me and my son enjoyed it. I had spinach instead of lettuce and it was great!! We are both on the path to clean eating and these recipes really help because we both love taco bell!

Taisha January 7, 2013 - 2:27 PM

We have taco Tuesday in my home every week. And with the tacos we have sour cream on top now that I am trying to drop the weight I top them with the Greek yogurt…. Yummy I love this recipe.

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