This isn’t a post about weight loss—it’s really a post about mental health in disguise.
Emotional EatingHealthy EatingThe War on Sugar
Research Shows Diet Can Potentially Cause—And Prevent—Depression
Two separate studies show that food affects mood in ways we rarely acknowledge. Is it time to change the way we think about food?
Photo credit: Flicks / agecombahia I know that Beyonce’s quotes about her FUPA (fatty upper pubic area—yes I’m purposely calling it ‘pubic’ and not what you likely call it—also sometimes …
Emotional EatingHealthy EatingIt's All MentalThe War on Sugar
What Can Marshmallows Teach You About Will Power? Not a Damn Thing.
The marshmallow test is a widely-circulated, super-simple study. Put a marshmallow in front of a child. Tell them that, if they can last fifteen minutes in the room with the …