From RevolutionaryAct.com, I present you 101 Revolutionary Ways To Be Healthy:
- Defy convention Do the healthy thing, even when it’s challenging, inconvenient or considered weird. Take pride in that.
- Buck trends Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s smart or good for you. Enlist fellow trend buckers and create a trend of your own.
- Rage against the machine Use your healthy frustration about the unhealthy status quo to spark creativity and determination.
- Celebrate what’s good Look for signs of progress (beyond pounds lost) and rejoice when you find them. Give yourself a pat on the back every time you make your health a priority.
- Repossess your health Reclaim responsibility for your well-being; own your daily choices; minimize your reliance on the broken sick-care system.
- Redefine your role You are not a “healthcare consumer.” You are a human being. You may be experiencing an illness or other health challenge right now, but remember that good health is your body’s natural state.
- Practice medicine without a license Research your own conditions and treatment alternatives, ask questions, and seek second opinions with impunity. Leverage the expertise of trained pros, but don’t allow it to eclipse your own informed instincts about what’s best for you.
- Minimize symptom suppression Make whole-person vitality, well-being and resilience your goal. Partner with healthcare pros who understand and support your desire to be fully healthy with a minimum of medical intervention.
- Safeguard your juju Don’t let yourself get run down, depressed, negative or reactive. That’s when immunity drops, inflammation rages, and unhealthy tendencies strike.
- See the bigger picture Yes, this is about you, but your well-being also affects everyone and everything around you. When you get healthier, everybody benefits.
- Be part of the solution It’s going to take a lot of strong, clear-headed, high-vitality people to solve the world’s problems. Be one of them.
- Go at your own pace A healthy life is more a marathon than a sprint. So start where you are. Choose sensible, sustainable shifts over instant cures and quick fixes.
- Be proactiveIf you feel a cold, flu or nasty headache coming on, take evasive maneuvers. Rest. Refuel. Reconnect. Rebuild your immunity and vitality. There’s no heroism in ignoring your body’s needs.
- Leverage your big “whys” Know the specific reasons your health matters to you. Write them down where you’ll see them daily.
- Raise your sights Don’t get sucked in by obsessions with six-pack abs and buns of steel. Don’t play “compare the bodies.” Fulfill your best-self vision.
- Learn the skills Healthy, fit people have learned how to be healthy. Learn those skills, practice them, and you’ll be healthy, too.
- Reap the rewards Look and feel better, sure. But also think better, smell better, give better, love better, live better, be better.
- Focus on the fundamentals Drink water, eat good food, move, rest, relax, connect. Don’t sweat the more complex stuff until you’ve got a grip on the basics.
- Fake it till you make it Don’t yet see yourself as a super-healthy person? Experiment with doing a little of what you’d do if you were already supremely healthy and fit. As often as you can, act as if your commitment were unwavering.
- Aim for 85% You don’t have to make 100% healthy choices all the time. It’s what you do most of the time — day in, day out — that counts. The healthier you get, the easier and more automatic healthy choices will become.
- Keep your body clean, inside and out Toxins, poisons and other gunk have no place in the temple. Avoid artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, fragrances, petrochemicals and other toxic ingredients whenever possible.
- Brush and floss Your teeth and gums are a huge determining factor in your whole-body well-being. They’re also an easy place to start demonstrating your commitment to whole-person health on a daily basis.
- Eat fresh Trade dead, packaged goods for foods that are fresh, alive and full of high-vibe goodness. Figure out where to find them, learn to juice/slice/dice them, and eat them with great pleasure.
- Eat more plants There’s a long list of phytonutrients and other good stuff in vegetables, fruits and legumes that you can’t get any other way. Put plants at the center of your plate for as many meals and snacks as you can.
- Don’t fall for fakery Processed, fake, diet and imitation ingredients burden and inflame your body, contributing to chronic disease. And there’s no clinical proof that artificial sweeteners and fat-free products support weight loss or do any part of you any good.
- Learn to cook Get a dozen healthy, whole-food recipes under your belt, and your life will be forever changed. Start by mastering one.
- Have breakfast Let there be protein, produce, healthy fats and fiber in it. A good breakfast wards off energy dips, brain fog and afternoon cravings.
- Watch your reactions 40% of U.S. adults have an intolerance to gluten; 70% to dairy. Know if you’re one of them. Digestive, skin, joint, energy and mood problems may be your first clue.
- Beware the USDA Food Pyramid It is a whole lot healthier for Big Ag and Big Business than for humans. Fill two-thirds of your plate with an array of vegetables, add in some other whole foods you enjoy, and don’t let the rest of the Pyramid’s propaganda confuse you.
- Approach ADA guidelines with a healthy dose of doubt The American Dietetic Association is sponsored by processed-food corporations and staffed by former food-company execs. Their pro-processed-food advice is often colored by that, and their calorie-counting obsessions are profoundly counterproductive.
- Go easy on the sugar and flour These two ingredients (combined with unhealthy industrial vegetable oils) have a starring role in most packaged foods we eat. More than any other culprit, they fuel inflammation, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and cancer.
- Savor what you eat The foods you rush into your body tend to create more problems than they solve. Take your time and consciously enjoy every single bite. Notice as your hunger diminishes.
- Care where food comes from Know your food’s history, and you’ll want to consume more selectively. Most factory-farmed and industrially produced foods aren’t all that appetizing once you know their origins.
- Go for quality, not quantity An ounce of wonderful is far better than a whole mess of mediocrity. Most beige, starchy and supersized foods are not worth eating.
- Move it out A healthy person poops every day. Twice a day, maybe more. How’s your fiber and water intake? (Also, see #28.) A clogged up colon wreaks havoc on your whole body.
- Read labels Don’t worry so much about the calories, grams and RDAs. Read the ingredients. Most ingredient lists begin with some combination of enriched wheat flour, sugar and oil. Avoid foods like that. Also avoid foods with long lists of ingredients you don’t recognize.
- Ignore labels Most of the marketing claims are meaningless, and a lot of the data is confusing. Most of the very best foods (in the produce department) have precisely one ingredient and, often, no labels at all.
- Say no to soda Both regular and diet soft drinks stimulate a pro-inflammatory insulin response, trigger cravings, acidify the body, decay your teeth and leach minerals out of your bones.
- Ask for what you want If you want extra this, none of that, something on the side, X in place of Y, broiled instead of fried, and everything prepared just so — say so. Being picky about what you put in your body is nothing to be ashamed of. Picky eaters unite!
- Drink a lot of water The health of every cell and synapse depends on it. And when you’re dehydrated on a regular basis —Êeven a little — your metabolism, energy and immunity all suffer mightily.
- Filter your water You’ll drink more when it tastes pure and you know it’s clean. If plain water doesn’t turn your crank, enjoy water with a slice of lemon, orange, cucumber, or a splash of juice. Or try herbal tea instead.
- Love what you’ve got Treat your body with respect and appreciation. Focus on what it can do, not what it can’t. Find something to celebrate, not something to criticize.
- Redefine your goals If you’ve been trying to lose weight and struggling, make it your goal to get superbly healthy and fit instead. And then don’t be surprised when the excess weight starts melting off.
- Beware artificial hungers Notice what triggers your sudden desires and uncontrollable appetites. Stress and anxiety both masquerade as hunger. Find better ways of dealing with them or warding them off.
- Identify real hungers You can’t eat or spend your way out of loneliness, fear, boredom or lack of meaning. Find healthy ways to honor and shift them, instead.
- Be human Cut yourself a little slack now and then, and forgive yourself your unhealthy trespasses. Learn what you can from them, and then move on.
- Make being healthy easier Self-restraint is a limited resource. Do everything in your power to make healthy choices automatic choices and to keep unhealthy temptations out of range.
- Don’t believe the hype Give up on gimmicks, fads and instant fixes. Most miraculous weight-loss schemes do more harm than good, and yo-yo dieting is a recipe for weight gain.
- Look beyond unrealistic role models Find your inspiration in people whose lives and goals have some relevance to your own. Also remember that most of the pictures you see of celebrities and fitness models have been extensively retouched.
- Question authority Big organizations like the FDA, USDA, AHA, AMA and ADA all struggle under real limitations and conflicts of interest. Know and understand them.
- Face the facts Your body is a mirror: It reflects your choices, your priorities, your habits, your attitudes and your quality of life. If you don’t like your body, be willing to change the way you are living.
- Maintain a morning practice Take a few minutes each sunup to set your intentions, take a few breaths, read an inspiring passage and start the day on your own terms. You may be shocked at the difference it makes.
- Move your body Every day, every which-way you can, in as many ways as you enjoy. Movement nourishes your body, clears toxins, and reduces the inflammation that breeds illness and irritation.
- Reframe exercise as a privilege You don’t have to exercise. You get to exercise. Visit a person whose mobility is severely limited, and you’ll appreciate the distinction. Do what you can, and count yourself lucky.
- Break a sweat The more often, the better. Sweat is a signal that your metabolism is switching into a higher gear. Sweat is weakness, complacency and toxicity leaving the body.
- Stay strong More muscle and sinew means more capacity to do anything. Don’t let age, aches and pains, or lack of time be your excuses for abandoning your strength.
- Maximize your mitochondria Every time you exercise, you upgrade your body’s energy-and-vitality factories and build your metabolism.
- Find your fitness edge Flirt with it in ways that feel good and exhilarating. Bursts of high-intensity exercise trigger positive, dramatic changes and help catalyze the body’s healing response.
- Get past body envy Release supermodel and celebrity obsessions. Translate your desire for a fitter, more beautiful body into positive, self-respecting daily action that nourishes you and makes you stronger.
- Embrace meditation There are few life skills that will pay of as handsomely or give you as much peace and healthy perspective. Even a few minutes of meditation a day can trigger positive transformations in your biochemistry, neurology — even your DNA.
- Study your systems Learn how your body works, and respect its genius. The unfortunate fact that most of us aren’t formally educated in how to properly care for our bodies doesn’t mean you can’t learn.
- Get to the bottom of your symptoms Body trouble? Find the source. Root out the cause. Don’t settle for a drug that forces your symptoms to go underground only to pop up somewhere else with a vengeance.
- Self-medicate with caution Get honest about how you’re using alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, pain killers and other drugs to simulate well-being or cover discomfort.
- Abandon victim thinking “Poor me” doesn’t get you anywhere you want to go. Instead, dust yourself off, see the choices that got you here, then reclaim your prerogative to choose your own better way forward.
- Sleep well Rest = recovery, repair and resilience. Exhaustion = illness and messed-up metabolism. Prioritize ample sleep time as the health essential it is.
- Breathe deep In for four, out for five. Oxygen’s good; breathing keeps you alive.
- Get off your butt Sitting for more than an hour or so at a stretch is deadly. Get up, stretch, walk around. Do some deep knee bends or go climb a couple flights of stairs.
- Slow down Perennial rushing is toxic to the body and mind. Find moments of silence and contemplation where you can just be. Create margins of sanity. Practice the defensive art of scheduling breaks and vacations.
- Connect with community Find ways of being active and involved in some kind of group activity. Joining a group, if you haven’t already, can reduce your risk of dying this year by half.
- Heal your relationships Mend fences, build bridges, forgive trespasses, grieve losses and let toxic grudges go. Then move on. Get help with this if you need to.
- Get outside You need sunshine, fresh air and time in nature. Daily. Grab five minutes in the morning, five on the way home from work.
- Respect your environment Keep in mind that human health depends upon the health of a lot of interconnected ecosystems and the planet as a whole. Make choices that respect that reality.
- Embrace play Fun, novelty, humor and joy are key sources of energy, strength and inspiration. If you’re suffering from a case of fun-deficit disorder, remedy that situation ASAP.
- Consume media wisely Seek out entertainment and information that makes your life better. Choose not to watch, read or listen to stuff that demoralizes or immobilizes you, incites craziness, or insults your intelligence.
- Be your own biggest fan Refuse to bad-talk your body, nitpick your appearance or kvetch about your weight. Find something to dig/love/ appreciate about yourself — just the way you are.
- Turn off the TV Opiate of the masses. Fritterer of time. Fryer of focus. The average American watches several hours of TV a day. How much of your life are you willing to hand over to a box?
- Eliminate tolerations If something’s driving you crazy, deal with it. Noticing and resolving daily annoyances, messes and downers helps free up energy and increases your pleasure in living.
- Follow the money Look at your checkbook register and credit-card statements for clues about where your spending is inconsistent with your healthy goals and values.
- Redirect your resources Take some of the money you’re spending on unhealthy distraction, consolations and indulgences, and re-route it toward your healthy-living priorities instead.
- Ditch debt The stress of being stretched too thin financially is at the root of a great many health ills. Develop the skills you need to master your money and live within your means.
- Invest in your health Money spent proactively on your health delivers far better returns than money spent reactively on treating illness and disease. When healthy choices seem “too expensive,” consider the long-term costs of health-sapping alternatives.
- Wise up Keep seeking new wisdom and mastering new skills that help you take better care of your body and live a more satisfying life. Continual learning and discovery support both health and happiness.
- Build on your successes Look at what has worked well for you in the past, and do more of that. Identify and leverage your strengths. Be willing to learn from your “failures,” too — but refuse to wallow in them.
- Surprise yourself Don’t be boring. Every once in a while, do something unexpected or out of character and see what happens.
- Find your tribe Surround yourself with other healthy, positive, active people who share your passions. It’s a lot easier to thrive around people who are thriving.
- Laugh it up Seek out mirth, glee and merriment at every opportunity. Laughter triggers a cascade of healing, energizing chemicals.
- Get a buddy Do your healthy thing with a pal or partner. Camaraderie and accountability go a long way toward creating success.
- Give your best gifts Developing and sharing them endows you with enthusiasm and energy. Neglecting or squandering them slowly kills you.
- Pace yourself When working hard, take brief rest breaks every 90 to 120 minutes so your cells can recharge. Be kind to yourself, and be honest about how much you can take on at any given time.
- Vote your values Take your healthy convictions to the polls. Share them with your elected representatives. Vote with your dollars, too, to support healthy products, companies and communities.
- Visualize the possibilities What if we lived in a world where the majority of people were healthy and happy most of the time? Imagine that future — then start creating it in your own life, one step at a time.
- Follow your bliss The more positivity and enthusiasm you can build into your life, the healthier, happier and more satisfied you’ll be. Happiness breeds healthiness.
- Be responsible for yourself Own your decisions and actions, no matter what the circumstances. Refuse to abuse or be abused on any level. See challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities.
- Take the high road If you feel yourself getting dragged down or losing traction in your healthy commitments, ask: What’s my highest choice right now? What can I do to make this situation better?
- Make time The hour you give yourself for self-care pays you back three. Think you’re too busy? The busier you are, the more effective and energetic you need to be, and the less time you have to get sick.
- Make space Declutter your house, your office, your car, your desk, your mind. Create room for your chosen future; create space that reflects the way you want to feel.
- Focus on action, not outcomes Live the life of a healthy person, and the results will take care of themselves. Every healthy step is a victory. Every day is an opportunity to feel, live and be better than the day before.
- Make it a party Discover new healthy passions. Revel in new healthy pleasures. Have so much fun getting and being healthy that everyone around you wants to do it, too!
- Let go of excuses Yes, you’re busy. You probably have a lot of priorities competing for your time, energy and resources. But wouldn’t all those priorities be better served by a healthier, more dynamic you?
- Show up No one is going to do this for you. You can’t fake it, and you can’t phone it in. Your body is where you’re going to spend the rest of your life. So make it a great place to live.
- Pass it on Pssst! Being healthy is a revolutionary act. The more of us who stand up for our health and happiness, the more power we have to change the world — one person, one life, one revolutionary act at a time.
Which ones stand out the most to you?
Love, love, love it.
This is a great (comprehensive) wellness guideline. I find myself living and practicing quite a few that are displayed here and actively pursuing the grasp of many others. Leading all of those that stand out to me is #5 “Repossess your health.” It’s ultimately up to us – not a doctor, a specialist, a spokesperson, a trainer or anyone else to steer recovery or our maintenance of healthy choices.
Thanks for sharing!
Love this!
“Get past body envy “– I really need to take that one to heart. My new workout partner looks like a fitness model… I guess that’s inspiration 🙂
“Question authority”– all day!
#54 hit home for me!!!
Face the facts Your body is a mirror: It reflects your choices, your priorities, your habits, your attitudes and your quality of life. If you don’t like your body, be willing to change the way you are living
Erika, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this site, i read it daily and it gives me daily inspiration…
Ditto to 54 as well.
“If you don’t like your body, be willing to change the way you are living”
Be the change you want to see…..I am so there!!!!
Great list. 42, 45, 49 & 55 stand out most to me. Love the blog. Because of you, I’m drinking good ol’ H2O about 90% of the time these days. Yay!
I think 1 thru 101 hit home for me! LOL!
Absoutely agree!
Thank you so much for posting this! all the small changes seem so much more do-able…especially #20 & 63.
I just thought I would read a few suggestions and then move on, but they kept getting better and better. Until before I knew it, I had finished the whole list and kind of wanted some more.
I did cut and paste several that I thought were particularly relevant to me.
But my top three among those were: sleep well, maintain a morning practice and focus on actions, not outcomes.
This is great! Thanks for all of these.
Love it!
43: Redefine your goals If you’ve been trying to lose weight and struggling, make it your goal to get superbly healthy and fit instead. And then don’t be surprised when the excess weight starts melting off.
This was me. I am morbidly obese. I started out a little heavier that you were at your highest weight. Last summer my feet/ankles were so swollen I bought size 12 slip on sandals. I was having multiple health issues and in September I came down with a severe case of shingles on my face that left me with some horrible scars. Enough was enough. I joined a gym and started taking water aerobics. At the advise of a good friend I went a naturapath. We discussed my health goals & mapped out a plan. Most of my exercise actually consist of walking and water aerobics, but I’m regular with it and it’s paying off. I went to the doctors today and since January I have lost 23 pounds. That may not seem like a lot, but my feet and ankles are no longer swollen and the skin looks world’s better.
This list is good motivation. I’m going to print it and stick it on my fridge.
Love this…Printing and posting everywhere in my eyesight 🙂
Love this, it’s an excellent list. Just found your site via curvyceo
Brilliant List. I dig anything that encourages you to buck the system and think for yourself!.
This is a great article. I wanted to say “especially # __” but there were so many especially good ones I just have to say each and every one is important! You have taken a whole person approach that is so needed in this time were we tend to look for quick fixes from sources outside of our selves. We hold the power to have a healthy body, mind and spirit in our own hands. Thank you!
76 should be “Turn off Youtube”..you can lose days watching it..
I needed inspiration bad today so thank you. For some reason I was tempted to get garden rice for lunch at my work cafeteria in addition to my regular salad. I even called hubby for encouragement and he said “oh that doesn’t sound like cheating, indulge. It’s not a cupcake.” *sigh*
Your point about look for signs of progress outside the scale helped. My work pants are all very loose around the waist. Focusing on that kept me from being bad.
I’m just curious what you brush with since #22 you advise brushing and flossing for dental health. Since I’ve been getting more natural and toxin free toothpaste has really posed a conundrum. I agree that oral health is vital to all over health but conventional toothpastes are full of chemicals and of the course the ever controversial fluoride. Even Tom’s has sulfates and other chemicals. Just curious. Great post as usual!
I love “exercise is a privilege” and that being healthy not only benefits me but the community and society as a whole. I’ve also been thinking that if there’s an emergency, I don’t want someone’s life to be in danger because I’m too heavy to move. Over the past 5 weeks, I’ve lost 10lbs and I’ve noticed that my legs are not as swollen and that I have less joint pain. One day at a time.
Love them all and will GE printing them! I have lost over 140 lbs and it still doesn’t get easy especially since in a lot closer to where I want to be this has made me feel as if I can’t give up because I’m not going back! Declaration!
Great list for thinking outside the box for your own health!
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