I consider myself a lover of sweet potatoes. I’m a huge fan of getting the 7 largest ones I can find, and eating one a day – every day – with my favorite spices. There’s two ways to do ’em, though, and depending upon what you have available and how much time you may have, there’s a way to enjoy a nice soft sweet potato no matter how much time you may have!
My sweet potato loves me just as much as I love it!
To bake a sweet potato:
Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees. Take one sweet potato, and poke several different sets of holes into it. Wrap it tightly in aluminum foil and place it in the oven, or (my personal favorite) lay it on a baking pan and slide it right inside. 45 minutes later, check your sweet potato out – if it’s not completely soft yet, give it up to 15 more minutes. That should do the trick!
Don’t have that much time? Try the quick microwave method!
Stab a few holes in it, place it in a microwave-safe container and drop about 3 tablespoons of water in the bottom of the container. Place it in the microwave for 13 minutes on high heat, making sure that you check on it every 3 minutes. Before you know it, you should have a nice and soft sweet potato!
How do I dress my sweet potato? Strangely enough, with paprika! That’s what you’ll see in the photo above. Just a light dusting, and it is beyond yummy! Give it a shot!
tha nk you I did not know how to cook sweet potatos and thank you for the tip 🙂
I may have to try to fix a few on the grill. Just thinking about that is giving me lovely ideas…Grilled pineapple and peaches anyone? 🙂
I love sweet potatoes! They are my favorite carb and are good for you too. Mmmm…I need to go picks some up.
mmm I love sweet potatoes! Thanks for the quick guide.
Thanks!! I will certainly try them with paprika. Sounds interesting, but I’m sure tasty 🙂
I really love sweet potatoes, the Japanese sweet potatoes are my FAVORITE. There were a couple of times when I was broke and needed an easy meal at work, a sweet potato in the microwave and boom. Nutritious and filling. Potatoes get a bad rap, but they are really nutrient dense for the size, as long as one doesn’t stuff it with all the bad stuff.
I aslo eat sweet potatoes daily. I slice horizontal 3 large potatoes and dust with rice oil or olive oil. Add a little water to the baking pan to create steam. Sprinkle the potaotes with a cajun spice. Lastly squeeze the juice from an orange over the potatoes. Bake 45 mintues at 375 until soft. Garnish the finished potatoes with the orange and serve.
I love making Sweet Potato chips in the oven !! For me, its a great alternative for french fries and uber easy to make !!!
I have microwaved my sweet potato and I find using a ziploc microwaveable bag does it in roughly in 8-10 minutes depending on the microwave wattage. And it keeps the skin moist so you enjoy the goodies of the skin as well. Ziploc bags are found in the same aisle as the foil, plastic wrap and sandwich bags. Been using this method for years. 🙂
Apparently I’m late on this method. I love sweet potatoes but hate cooking them because they are tough and can take a while but I think I’ll try this microwave method you speak of.
I like to make a hash with my sweet pototoes, just slice them up and season them with cayenne pepper/garlic/season salt/balsamic vinegar. I then sautée them in pan and then place a poached egg on top. Yummy, cheap and easy!
I do the same thing but instead of Paprika I use Cumin..so good
that looks real delicious nom nom
Thank you so much for the tips. Will definitely try it. Sweet potatoes are my favorite!
I rarely cook sweet potatoes like that. What I actually do is skiing the sweet potato and then slice them in thick slices. I put a very thin line of oil on some aluminum foil and and places the slices on the foil. I put them in a 400 degree oven. I bake for about 30 minutes .They are a lovely sweet snack with nothing added. Kind of like this http://www.lindsayannloft.com/recipe/baked-sweet-potato-slices but without the cinnamon
Oh, I do that too. 🙂
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