Home From Erika's Kitchen Lime Broccoli Chicken Pasta

Lime Broccoli Chicken Pasta

by Erika Nicole Kendall

2 chicken breasts

2 cups frozen broccoli

2 cups whole wheat penne pasta

1/2 lime

1 tbsp tarragon

1 tsp cilantro

1tsp olive oil

a pinch of salt

half a pinch of pepper

Put half a teaspoon of olive oil in the skillet, and the chicken goes right on top of it. As the chicken heats up, put your pasta on. Wheat pasta takes much longer to cook, so give it time. Chop your chicken up into medium sized chunks, and then get the broccoli in there with it. Stir everything up, making sure to thaw out the broccoli. Once your pasta is cooked, drain it and put it in the skillet with the chicken and broccoli.

Take the rest of the olive oil, and drizzle it on top of the mixture. Put your tarragon, olive oil and salt in there, and stir everything up. The herbs should stick to the pasta and chicken very well. Take your lime, and squeeze it over the skillet. Put your pepper on last, and stir it all up one last time. Ta da!

I’m a big fan of herbs and natural flavors, and the cilantro and the lime both compliment each other with the chicken. Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

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Sibyl April 24, 2010 - 7:36 PM

I have tried several of your recipes…they were wonderful. I only have one question…when is your cookbook coming out? A Black Girls Guide to Healthy Cooking. Sounds like a winner!

Erika April 24, 2010 - 7:37 PM

Hmmm… now there’s a thought!

Jessica December 2, 2011 - 12:00 AM

I would definitely purchase a cookbook of yours!

Khalilah August 11, 2010 - 7:56 PM

First, I love your site! Its so helpful and informative. Second, I just made this meal and I like it. I will admit I was scared about the taste but its tasty. My mom said it tastes like Olive Garden without the sauce and salt.

Rosalyn October 7, 2010 - 10:07 AM

Okay, here’s another one that I just MUST try! And a cookbook sounds delightful!

Bannef May 20, 2011 - 4:51 PM

If you made a cookbook I would COMPLETELY buy it, particularly since I am already trying to save all of your recipes that work out for me in a word document (for those days when my internet is misbehaving). Even if it’s just something bound from Kinkos I would totally pay good money for it!

Kenyatta March 23, 2013 - 11:45 AM

Looking forward to trying this. As far as the cookbook…#doit! 🙂

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