Home Celeb Watch NSFW: Talk Show Host Wendy Williams Poses Nude For PETA’s “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” Campaign

NSFW: Talk Show Host Wendy Williams Poses Nude For PETA’s “I’d Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” Campaign

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Apparently, in Times Square, you can find the following:

Quoting PETA’s press release:

Williams, who once wore mink and fox fur, had a change of heart after learning from PETA about the cruel ways in which animals are raised and killed for their fur. “We should all try to be comfortable in our own skin and let animals keep theirs,” says Wendy.

Wendy also encourages people who have fur coats to donate them to PETA so that they can be given to the homeless. PETA is working with shelters in Wendy’s home state of New Jersey on coat drives this winter—something that is in great demand as the numbers of needy and displaced people have increased following Hurricane Sandy.

Wendy can now count herself among Taraji P. Henson and Waka Flocka Flame as celebrities who’ve publicly stated they’d rather be stark naked in Times Square next to the Jumbotron… than wear fur.

From USA Today:

“We should all try to be comfortable in our own skin and let the animals keep theirs,” says Williams, 48, who once wore real mink and fox but doesn’t anymore. “I don’t really think that fur is the mark of success anymore. As a decent person, with compassion, it just seems like the right thing to support.”

No, Williams said she isn’t worried about having a little “jiggle” as she exposes herself, because she says that’s what separates the women from the men. And besides, she added, “jiggle is sexy.”

Indeed. Carpe diem, I suppose.


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Estella November 29, 2012 - 6:17 PM

That’s all well & lovely but she looks so photoshopped it doesn’t even look like her body… Look at that bottom half where the tat is… That slight blur? Photoshop. I’ll applaud her when I see an unphotshopped pic…

CreativelyYours March 17, 2013 - 5:55 PM

Yes, it is photoshopped. She admitted it on her show.

curlsz November 29, 2012 - 6:38 PM

I think her jiggle got photoshopped out.

MoreAndAgain November 29, 2012 - 6:48 PM

I find the ad a tad hypocritical, considering she’s wearing a diamond ring (or rather, a ring with PLENTY of diamonds) on it. She’d rather go naked than wear fur, but has absolutely no issue rocking conflict diamonds? Spare me. Not to mention, Wendy’s affinity for shoes is well know. Fur = bad, but leather soles are ok? Where exactly is the line drawn? It’s hard to keep up.

I’m not saying she shouldn’t like shoes, or diamonds. But, maybe PETA should’ve really thought about the messenger they were using to push this message. Then again, when you’re caught up in being sanctimonious, it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees.

Okley December 1, 2012 - 4:47 PM

Maybe no one has brought the leather soles thing to her attention yet. Regardless, a step in the right direction.

Megan November 29, 2012 - 7:15 PM

Agreed. My mother always had fur coats growing up, and I always thought they looked stupid (sorry Mom lol). I recently made the transition to veganism, and I’ve become more compassionate towards non-human animals as a result. I’m not saying that everyone should go vegan (though that would be great) but we can at the very least not wear the fur of animals.

Sophia November 29, 2012 - 8:11 PM

I have to agree…this looks really photo shopped…you can tell…really, really glossy, and everything looks smooth like a Barbie.

Everyone has their right to support whatever organization they want to. However, I don’t like how PETA deals with people who do wear fur. No, it isn’t right to torture animals and exploit them for financial means…and waste the rest of the kill just for those financial means. However, most of PETA’s “tactics” include throwing red paint, flour, or other kind of negative actions to discourage people from wearing fur. Their behavior many times has be atrocious…

As for Williams, I think that she means well, but I would be madder than hell if someone photoshopped me…I would be like you guys either going to have to do this ad again or I am not doing it. But then again, maybe she told me that she wanted to be photoshopped. Who knows?

mimi November 29, 2012 - 8:55 PM

the photoshop is soooo excessive i can’t even focus on anything else…like they might as well have used a random body….pity all that photoshop didnt help her face…and sorry to the vegan above but for me….animals are for eating…i just don’t agree with the way they are mass produced.

BalancingJane November 29, 2012 - 10:03 PM

Pretty interesting that you had to mark something “NSFW” that you can find hanging up in the middle of our busiest city . . . Probably means we have some cultural soul searching to do.

Erika Nicole Kendall November 29, 2012 - 11:00 PM

Really, you’d think I wouldn’t have to put “NSFW” if it says “nude” in the title, but I don’t mind accommodating. Besides, all it takes is the wrong person to walk past your cubicle while you’re trying to see…and then you’re mad at me. ROFL

Stefanie November 29, 2012 - 10:04 PM

Wendy has jiggle? I’ve seen her without the photoshopped picture and she is pretty accurate compared to this pic. But the point is that she rather be naked that wear fur. Good for her; but she didn’t have to show her naked body to the public to prove it, LOL…just sayin!

Karen November 29, 2012 - 10:09 PM

It doesn’t really seem like that is her body or maybe they photo shopped her into submission. That being said, if being naked for the world to see makes you feel like you are doing something, go for what you know. I just hope she is sincere and not just out for publicity.

Courtney November 29, 2012 - 10:50 PM

I find it hard to find this ad just a TAD hypocritical… to state something like “We should all try to be comfortable in our own skin” while simultaneously being weaved up, sporting fake eyelashes/hair/nails and having undergone plastic surgery to, I guess, “correct” her African nose… is a level of hypocrisy so deep that I can’t believe she was able to state that without an iota of irony. Then again, I’m not really surprised that she’s not intelligent enough to catch the hypocrisy.

I have no respect for anyone who hates herself as much as she does and who actively participates in the hatred of black women as much as she blathers on about “good hair” and refuses to be natural in any manner. If Viola Davis refuses to apologize for being a dark-skinned, curly haired woman, Wendy Williams more than makes up for it.

Stefanie November 30, 2012 - 12:46 PM

Good points made Courtney!

Lola December 2, 2012 - 5:56 PM

Agreed! And what about the animals (human and non) who sacrificed for the wig on her head? Girls who either weren’t compensated or were given little compensation or animals who just straight shorn so that she could have her hundred dollar wigs? Where is her concern for them?

CurvyCurlyGirl November 30, 2012 - 2:28 PM

First Thought: Who cares?
Second thought: How can anyone be sure those diamonds are real, and if they are real, there is no way to tell that they are conflict diamonds, and there is no way to tell whether or not she actually owns those diamonds or just rented them for the shoot. Diamonds aren’t really the topic of this post anyway, but everyone is entitled to his/her own thought.
Third thought: Who cares if she is photoshopped? I thought the point of her posing was to make a statement about not wearing fur, not make a statement about the state of her body. Photoshopped or not, the subject shouldn’t have been her body, it should have been about the way she is making a stand. I am upset that she can now be counted among the many women in the industry who pull off their clothes in front of a camera. It is such a common occurance, that covering up has become the exception to the rule, instead of the standard and the rule.
Fourth thought: Not getting rid of my grandmother’s heirloom mink coats. They have sentimental value, and because they have lasted so long, I don’t have to buy a fur of my own.

NayLahKnee December 2, 2012 - 10:56 AM

The point of the photo is to raise awareness for cruelty against animals. I don’t know why we as women immediately focus on the negative….Did anyone ever stop to think that the hair, nails, makeup and nose job has MADE her comfortable in her own skin?? We lose weight because we are not comfortable in our own skin so go ahead, pull that plank outta ya eye….

She doesn’t have to be natural and just because someone chooses not to be natural doesn’t mean they are rejecting themselves or their culture. Many tribes in Africa don’t wear sky high-heeled shoes – do you see people walking around in their bare feet trying to stay true to their African roots and heritage?

Give the lady a break. The photos are tastefully done. In fact you cant see anything….

Erika Nicole Kendall December 3, 2012 - 8:46 AM

“Did anyone ever stop to think that the hair, nails, makeup and nose job has MADE her comfortable in her own skin??”

*loud groan*

“We lose weight because we are not comfortable in our own skin so go ahead, pull that plank outta ya eye….”

*even LOUDER groan*

YOU might, but many do not… and even if you ARE losing weight because you’re uncomfortable in your own skin, I sincerely hope you grow out of it.

CurvyCurlyGirl December 3, 2012 - 10:51 AM

Agreed NayLahKnee. And even if that other stuff didn’t make her comfortable, or she just wore that stuff for the shoot, It isn’t the point of the photo. Sometimes women are their own enemies.
I am not sure why Erika is groaning, many women do lose weight because they are not comfortable in their own skin (whether it is because of vanity or health). I don’t see wearing fake nails, weave, or getting relaxers any different from wearing eyeliner, base or lipstick. Women have been enhancing themselves for as long as we have been on this earth in many ways, but that does not mean a woman loves herself less.

Erika Nicole Kendall December 3, 2012 - 10:58 AM

“I am not sure why Erika is groaning”

*groans even louder*

Kaycee November 30, 2012 - 9:12 PM

I just want to know where the jiggle is, that’s all I’m saying!

Theresa December 1, 2012 - 12:10 AM

Her left foot looks funny.

Robin December 4, 2012 - 4:31 PM

I’m still stuck at “Wendy also encourages people who have fur coats to donate them to PETA so that they can be given to the homeless”
– give up my $6,000 fur coat for the homeless to wear.
Not happening. How many homeless (other than those with Foreclosed Igloo’s) have you ever seen in Fur.

Nancy J. December 11, 2012 - 2:50 PM

Photoshop or not, she took a stand. I guess we all have to reach deep to stand up once in awhile. However a untouched photo most of us would point out all the imperfections, instead of finding them perfectly imperfect. You Go Wendy…!

Bree December 15, 2012 - 1:05 AM

This is off subject, but I never really liked Wendy to begin with. She’s so…condescending and pretentious. I think what really made me dislike her was when she said Kim Kardashian was smart in one episode, indicating that she was friends with the hoochie.
Hmm…we’re talking about a woman who purposefully marketed a sex tape and hung out with Paris Hilton, another sex tape marketer, just to get a reality TV show (or in Kim’s case LACK of Reality).
Then, when her show’s ratings start to slack off she gets married to boost the ratings and then divorces the big idiot two hours later, then hooks up with Kanye three hours after that. And now Kim has the nerve to act upset that people don’t take her seriously. Why would we? It’s not like she has any talent.
But back to Wendy. I think the problem I have with her is probably because she pretty much trash talks people on her show (like when she recently said, “Beyonce talks like she has a fifth grade education.”)
She reminds me of Howard Stern (she started out as a radio shock jockey too), except she has a talk show, and seems like she’s trying to be the next Oprah. *sighs* I’m done.

CreativelyYours March 17, 2013 - 6:15 PM

Ok…here we go with the Kim K sex tape bash and dance! Kim is not…I repeat is NOT the only woman to make a sex tape. Neither is Paris Hilton. More importantly, this was done years ago. When is there going to be an expiration date for you “righteous” people who won’t let this die a natural death? Another point is, if stones should be thrown @ Kim for making a sex tape, then stones should be thrown at all of the porn stars who have sex on camera..and ppl who have sex with their mates and then film it. It’s the same thing! Besides all of that…is this truly a reason to hate the woman simply because she made a sex tape and it was displayed? It’s not like she had sex with your man. One last thing…Jesus said “let he who is without sin throw the last stone”….make sure that when you are throwing stones at someone else’ window that there is not someone hiding in the bushes waiting to throw stones at you.

CreativelyYours March 17, 2013 - 6:17 PM

**”I meant let he who is without sin throw the FIRST stone”.

Bree April 8, 2013 - 11:43 PM

*groans loudly* -_-

cutiepie35 September 5, 2013 - 11:48 AM

I have no problem with women wearing fake hair or relaxers but you still have to be honest why you do it you don’t think your hair is good enough as it is. We all do thing to change our looks I get it and im not judging, however when my daugthers come and ask me why their skin is darker and hair kinkier than mine and wish theirs was more like mine as if mine was better and I have remind them why they beautiful the way they are and then have family remind me in front of them they don’t have hair like you they NEED a relaxer I will continue to give them and americas standard of beauty the finger

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