Hi. I need to have a serious, grown folks moment with y’all, okay? Listen closely. Stop cooking naked. That’s right, I said it. Stop. Cooking. Naked.
Erika Nicole Kendall
Erika Nicole Kendall
The proud leader of the #bgg2wlarmy, Erika Nicole Kendall writes food and fitness, body image and beauty, and more here at #bgg2wl. After losing over 150lbs, Kendall became a personal trainer certified in fitness nutrition, women's fitness, and weight loss by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She is also certified in sports nutrition by Precision Nutrition. She now lives in New York with her husband and children, and is working on her 6th and 7th certifications because she likes having alphabet soup at the end of her name.
I thought me eating whatever I wanted was why I gained so much weight in the first place. What the hell do you meeeeeean, you eat whatever you want?
Q: Despite having this acceptance and new found confidence, how do you overcome rejection?
All about Queen Bey’s new vegan, gluten-free, organic meal delivery service. Would you buy?
A brief look at and discussion of one of the most widely-viewed presentations on nutrition on the entire Internet.
Q: I’m pretty sure it’s there, just need some guidance on the ramifications of alcoholic beverages on your diet (caloric intake)?
Hi Erika! Question- what should I look for in a trainer? There’s so many options in Chicago and I’m a lil’ overwhelmed.
Q: Erika, I have to admit, I am miserable! I hate this! Can I have my social life back? Or does this ever become fun?
When Woman Dies From Booty Injections in Salon, Salon PACKS UP AND LEAVES
Stop doing this. Stop your loved ones from doing this. Staple them to a seat and force them to stay there, for all I care.
No, you’re not going to go into the gym, lift a few fifteens, go home, and then wake up looking like Macho Man Randy Savage. And here are five reasons …
Five – maybe six – things that I’ve learned from committing to a daily yoga practice.
So, ever since I started talking about #babysprout, lots of people have hit me on the side asking if I have any idea what my post-delivery fitness plan is going …
Q: Hey Erika, do you have any tips for people who have unbalanced body shapes?
Serena Williams Flawlessly Lays Out While Reading Her Vogue Cover Story
The athletic dynamo shows her more sensitive and playful side in her April 2015 Vogue cover story.
All about the value of sleep and how limiting your sleep limits your ability to prosper in multiple ways.
Today, R asks, “How can I start?”
5 Reasons Your Body Fat Percentage is More Important Than Your Weight
Why you need to be all about your body fat percentage. Like, right now. Toss the scale out the window, then come read this.
Q: I should be able to get to and maintain a healthy weight without all the exercising shenanigans. Right? My answer, inside.