Home About The Site A Very Late Pair Of Announcements

A Very Late Pair Of Announcements

by Erika Nicole Kendall

Some of you may know this already… some of you may not. Either way, I figured now’s about the right time to share this with everyone who’d care to support.

In the current issue of Essence – the one with Regina King on the cover – you will find the following:

Yes. That’s me. Talking about my journey with weight loss, wellness and this blog. Page 146 of the February 2011 issue.

I didn’t want to announce it sooner, because only their subscribers had access to the issue, and the only copy of the magazine that was on the stands was the one with Steve Harvey on the cover. Besides, I wanted to make sure that I could physically hold a copy of it in my hands and look at myself in a magazine in an almost-full-page article sharing my story with lots [and lots and lots and lots] of women (men too?) before I announced it, here.

I don’t know… maybe holding it in my hand made it feel more real? Perhaps.

And at the same time, the site was featured on Yahoo! last week, as well. (…which is why you might’ve experienced an outage and weren’t able to access the blog – there was lots of traffic coming through.)

That being said… I’m now in the process of moving the site to a new [far more expensive] hosting provider, and y’all know that I’m cheap. The advertisements on the site (as well as the “Donate!” links – one is at the end of every post) will help me to defray the costs of keeping the site up and running when we get traffic surges… because considering the amount of traffic we received, there aren’t many hosting providers who could handle it.

And since I’m here… the advertisements. I’m doing my best to keep the content of the advertisements as free of “weight loss scams” as possible. I can’t catch everything, but rest assured that I’m trying. Regardless of whatever new-fangled scam ad you see… you know they’re full of crap, right? Don’t fall for ’em. It’s that simple.

But… they are my sponsors… so please. Feel free to visit them. In both the e-mails as well as on the pages of the site.

I’m going to spend the day outlining how to simplify the growth of this site so that there’s not some monumental explosion once everything’s complete, and writing about what’s so very ridiculously wrong with this Walmart/Michelle Obama situation. In the meantime? Feel free to check out the following posts:

See y’all tomorrow – you definitely don’t want to miss Saturday’s Weekend WTF?…trust me!

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Tracie January 28, 2011 - 10:57 AM


Mish Clark January 28, 2011 - 11:01 AM

I bought the issue just for your piece on page 146. Way to go Erika! Next stop is OWN! (Oprah Winfrey network).

Redds January 28, 2011 - 11:05 AM

You go Girl! I’ve been watching, subscribing, reading your website for a long time. I’ve even turned on several of my friends and my Personal Trainer to it as well. You are awesome and deserve all of the accolades for motivating me. I started clean eating Sept. 2010 combined w/cardio at the Gym and this month added a Personal Trainer to the mix. I can proudly report that I’ve lost 23lbs so far!

Nicole (akascholar) January 28, 2011 - 11:23 AM

Hey Erika, I am doing my “Go Girl” dance! LOL! Congrats =)

Eunice January 28, 2011 - 11:39 AM

Congrats Erika! I saw this floating around Twitter, but I’m going to look for a copy since now I know someone famous. 😉

Erika January 28, 2011 - 11:52 AM

Girl, ain’t nobody famous! Stop playin’! ROFL

Morgan B January 28, 2011 - 11:47 AM

This is actually how I found out about the site by picking up Essence (my favorite magazine along with SHAPE magazine)..love the content of your website and congratulations on this much due exposure and success! Congratulations!!

andrea January 28, 2011 - 12:20 PM

Congrats Erika. tweeted you yesterday on finding your site. I feel like i need to lock myself away for the whole weekend so i can read your journey from the beginning. so much good informaton i just want to eat up LOL.

Alovelydai January 28, 2011 - 12:32 PM

I really did have an “I know her moment” when I saw you featured on Yahoo! Congrats with everything but especially for your continued motivation & inspiration. Now if we could just find something as satisfying as cheese crackers the world would be a better place. LOL!

Cyn January 28, 2011 - 12:54 PM

That is awesome. Congrats!

Sirobe January 28, 2011 - 1:13 PM

Congratulations! Picking up an issue for you alone today!

Sybil January 28, 2011 - 1:20 PM

Hi Erika, I just wanted to post and say “Congrats” and to let you know that you have been inspiring me to do better for quite some time now. Keep up the great work and you look Marvelous!!!!!

Rhemma Payne January 28, 2011 - 1:21 PM

OMGGGGG!!! CONGRATS!!! I wish my journey was more steady but I do appreciate all you do to share your story!! Me and several friends follow this!

Amber J. January 28, 2011 - 1:44 PM

I wonder who wrote that marvelous piece?? Ha! Kidding. Glad you like it, and that I was able to help you share your story. Go forth and be fabulous!

Erika January 28, 2011 - 2:37 PM

Some crazy girl wrote it… but she did a damned good job! 🙂

Debbi Estelle January 28, 2011 - 1:55 PM

Good for you hun!!! I will pick up a copy. (I love me some Essence too? Let me find out! LOL!)

Keep pressing toward those ‘secret’ goals and as you would say, “don’t believe your own hype”… 🙂 In other words, DON’T LET ALL OF OUR AFFIRMATIONS STOP YOU FROM CONTINUING TO PUSH TOWARD WHAT YOU FEEL LIKE IS YOUR END…

You really do inspire us!!! And your tips help us avoid certain mistakes.

Keep on your journey and as always thank you for being so open!

MANY MANY blessings to you sis! 🙂

Crystal January 28, 2011 - 1:58 PM

Go Erika!!!! Wow! now I gotta go pay that $3-$4.99 for that particular subscription girl. Yay Erika, yay! love it, girl whatever this particular ‘door’ that’s being opened up for you, bust it down and run through it girl. Congrats on the blessing of the exposure, who knows what God has for you on the other side of just this small exposure. Love it girl!

Curlstar January 28, 2011 - 2:07 PM

Doing the dougie dance for you because f I did the butterfly, it would only have one wing 🙂 CONGRATS!!!

Erika January 28, 2011 - 2:38 PM

Ayyy the one legged butterfly? Sounds like something you see in the club late after hours to me! LOL!

Savannah January 28, 2011 - 2:27 PM

Congratulations Erika! I saw you on Yahoo and will definitely grabbing a copy of February’s Essence! I love your site and it has helped me alot on my journey.

Thank you for sharing all of your story.

Tracie G., The Brown Skin Lady January 28, 2011 - 2:44 PM

Congratulations Erika! So happy for you!

Jeannine Sloan January 28, 2011 - 3:43 PM

I saw it a while ago. Congratulations! Even though I don’t know you I was truly proud when I saw it!

Skychitravels January 28, 2011 - 4:43 PM

OMG! Conrgrats! That is Awesome!

The sweetness of success. May abundance of blessings fall upon.

Kayla January 28, 2011 - 6:32 PM

Hello Ms. Erika. I am subscribed to Essence and recieved the February issue a couple of weeks ago and that’s how I found out about your blog. I just wanted to say that I LOVE what you are doing. You’re really an inspiration to me and my sister as we work on changing our lifestyle. Thank you sooo much 😀

Angela January 28, 2011 - 7:25 PM

I discovered your site from the Essence article. I love, love, love it! Exactly what I have been looking for. Since then I have been feverishly trying to read all the material. Thank you so much.

Kerrie C. January 28, 2011 - 7:30 PM

Greetings Erica,
Just wanted to say congrats!!! When I got my Essence in the mail earlier this month I took it & my laptop to the hospital with me to help pass the time. I’m so glad I found you & your blog!!! I lost 73lbs back in 2008 & did a good job of keeping it off until my 11yo son was hospitalized in early 2010 & was there for 3months in the ICU..during this time I gained some weight back(40lbs) & by the time I went back to work I couldn’t fit anything in my closet.. Well I got back on my weight loss grind when I went back to work & have lost some of what regained. Well I decided to make 2011 my year to get back to me & my health, made an inspiration board & started the Couch to 5k training & then my son was scheduled to receive a kidney transplant this month & I tried to prepare as much as possible so I wont regain what I relost..ugh!!! So to make a long story short.. I read my Essense found you & read every single one of your blog entries from start 2/10 to present, subscribed to your blog & liked your facebook page! Your blog helped me to remain focused on my goals, gain tons of info, gather awesome recipes & help keep me focused on my goal & not gain any weight ( I lost instead). I’ve relost a total of 26lbs My son is now home & he & his donor are doing awesome!!! I just wanna say thank you & please keep all your ideas, posts, recipes, pics & everything coming!! I wish you much success!!! Be blessed! 🙂

Tiana January 28, 2011 - 7:44 PM

Awesome! Congrats!!! (=^_^=)

Tina (laidbackchick) January 28, 2011 - 11:34 PM

Congratulations chica, well deserved, I am with you nothing like holding the mag and seeing your self in it. Brings a little tear. Big things in 2011.

Leah January 28, 2011 - 11:57 PM

Bravo! (Clapping my hands)

Andrea Plaid January 29, 2011 - 8:14 AM

Congrats times a thousand! I’m thrilled more and more people see and know about the great work you’re doing. And I’m especially happy to see a sistah who’s getting props for talking about heathy living. You keeping rockin’, Erika!

FatSugarSalt January 30, 2011 - 5:12 PM

Good for you! Keep doing what you’re doing.

MJ January 30, 2011 - 5:22 PM

Congrats! I was just flipping through Essence and when I saw the pic I said wait this is a feature on one of my favorite sites! Love it, keep inspiring

Courtney January 31, 2011 - 4:52 AM

Congrats! I actually thought one day, it would be so much easier to lose weight if there was a black girls diet! lol so after googling my idea ur website popped up and i was like wutttt!!!! a black girls guide to weightloss! thats exactly wut i was lookin for! then to my surprise when i picked up my essence yesterday i saw ur article! Keep takin ova mama ur fab!! 7lbs down!!

Dee February 1, 2011 - 9:00 AM

Oh my goodness! You go girl!!! I am so proud of you… really I am! I have that mag and I haven’t devoured it yet… well… now I have a reason!!!

Shante February 1, 2011 - 12:31 PM

The amount of dedication you have put into this blog is amazing. I hope you realize you are helping a lot of people live longer healthier lives. Keep up the amazing work.

Tremilla October 31, 2011 - 10:24 AM

Just discovered your site in this month’s Essence (Oct. 2011) so I’m late. I knew you looked familiar. Couldn’y put my finger on it until now. Congratualtions!!!

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