People who are obese are more likely to have sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies?
“People who want to lose weight have low self-esteem. Why can’t they just stay the way they are?”
The Self-Confidence Game
written by Erika Nicole Kendall
A short rant on the development of self-confidence as it applies to weight loss.
“I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen grown women fall into a compliment fest because neither one knew how to take a compliment, or how to deliver …
A comparative look at the experiences of black boys in school vs. black girls, and how it affects black women.
Friday 5: Five Things I Want People To Stop Saying To Themselves In 2012
written by Erika Nicole Kendall
Did “I’m not giving up chocolate!” make the list?
What role do you think vanity plays in a weight loss journey? Is there a place for vanity?
Society would make you think that being overweight is a sin…